Tele MAB no. 895 Jumaat, 29 Julai 2022 No. Tel.: 03-22722687 Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, Terdapat 1 pengumuman dan 1 pengumuman buku, 1. Projek MAB-Universiti Saito – Jom Masuk IPTS. MAB bekerjasama dengan sebuah yayasan dan IPTS untuk membantu seramai mungkin anak-anak ibu bapa OKU penglihatan ahli-ahli kita yang baru sahaja menamatkan peperiksaan SPM bagi menyediakan dan mendaftarkan mereka belajar di institut pengajian tinggi. Pelbagai biasiswa telah ditawarkan dalam pelbagai kuantum dan sehingga 100% daripada yuran kursus untuk mereka yang layak. Selain itu, sebuah firma logistik yang mantap telah menawarkan biasiswa bernilai RM600,000 untuk pelajar yang belajar logistik. Peluang pekerjaan selepas tamat pengajian adalah baik. Universiti ini mempunyai 6 sekolah utama dan program, terutamanya seperti Sekolah Perniagaan dan Hospitaliti. Untuk maklumat lanjut dan pendaftaran, sila hubungi Cik Kavitha di samb. 147. 2. Terdapat 1 buku Braille Bahasa Inggeris dan Melayu untuk dibaca. Tajuk bagi Bahasa Inggeris adalah The Blue Star, sebuah novel karya Tony Earley dalam 2 jilid. Manakala bagi buku Bahasa Melayu pula, tajuknya adalah Cerpen Yang Terlarang oleh Izrah Zul Karnain dalam1 jilid. Untuk meminjam buku ini, sila hubungi Cik Lynette di samb. 150. Terima kasih, Ikhlas, Cik Santhi Selvam Cik Roslina Mohamed. Tele MAB no. 895 Friday, 29 July 2022 Tel. no.: 03-22722687 Hello friends, There’s 1 announcement and 1 book announcement 1. MAB-Saito University Project – Jom Masuk IPTS. MAB is working together with a foundation and IPTS to assist as many children of our members of the visually impaired parents as possible who has just completed their SPM examination to prepare and enroll them to study in the higher-learning institute. Various scholarships have been offered in various quantum and up to 100% of the course fees for deserving them. In addition, a well-established logistics firm has offered RM600,000 worth of scholarships for students studying logistics. Employment opportunities after graduation are good. The university has 6 main school and program mainly such as School of Business and Hospitality. For more info and registration, please call Ms. Kavitha at ext. 147. 2. There are 1English and 1 Malay Braille books to read. The title for the English Braille book is The Blue Star, A novel bu Tony Earley in 2 volumes. While for the Malay one, the title is Cerpen Yang Terlarang by Izrah Zul Karnain in 1 volume. To borrow the book, please call Ms. Lynette at ext. 150. Thank you, Regards, Ms. Santhi Selvam Ms. Roslina Mohamed.
Ahad, Julai 31, 2022
Selasa, April 05, 2022
Teley MAB Selasa, 5 April 2022.
Tele MAB no. 886 Selasa, 5 April 2022 No. tel.: 03-22722687 Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, Terdapat 1 pengumuman baharu 1. Pengedaran Bubur Lambuk di MAB. Nestle Malaysia menerusi produk MAGGInya akan mengagihkan 1000 bungkus Bubur Lambuk di perkarangan MAB pada Rabu, 6 April 2022 bermula jam 4.30 petang hingga 6.30 petang. Program ini adalah kerjasama antara Nestle, MAB, dan Food Aid Foundation. Warga OKU Penglihatan dijemput untuk mengambil bubur lambuk yang disediakan. Bersama-sama kita meriahkan program pertama seumpamanya ini anjuran Nestle yang menukar corak program pertandingan rayanya kepada agihan ini. Sebarang pertanyaan atau maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi MAB di 03-22722677 atau menerusi email, Terima kasih, Ikhlas: Cik Santhi Selvam Cik Roslina Mohamed. Tele MAB no. 886 Tuesday, 5 April 2022 Tel. no. 03-22722687 Hello friends, There is 1 new announcement, 1. Distribution of Bubur Lambuk at MAB. Nestle Malaysia with their product brand MAGGI will be launching Bubur Lambuk to be given away to the blind community and people with disabilities at Kompleks MAB Nestle jointly with Food Aid Foundation & MAB will be distributing close to 1000 bowls of Bubur Lambuk at Kompleks MAB, on Wednesday 6 April 2022 from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm. Would be pleased if you are able to attend and be part of this maiden distribution event of Maggi's initiative this year diverting from their usual Maggi annual raya competitions. Please do call for more clarifications to MAB at 03-22722677 (or) by email to Thank you, Regards: Ms. Santhi Selvam. Ms. Roslina Mohamed.
Ahad, Mac 13, 2022
Teley MAB Khamis, 10 Mac 2022.
Tele MAB no. 885 Khamis, 10 Mac 2022 No. tel.: 03-22722687 Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, Terdapat 1 pengumuman baharu, 1. Borang Pengumpulan Data (Malaysian Blind Massage). Selaras dengan Akta 775, MAB dan dengan pakar dari industri ini telah mengadakan beberapa pertemuan dengan jabatan Perubatan Tradisional & Komplementari (TCM) di bawah Kementerian Kesihatan. Ia kemudian disetujui untuk mengumpul data pengamal industri untuk membuka jalan ke hadapan dalam mewujudkan kod amalan yang berasingan. Jadi sebagai langkah awal, kami meminta kerjasama semua juru urut untuk bekerjasama dengan kami dalam mengumpul data sebanyak mungkin. MAB juga memberi jaminan bahawa data peribadi tidak akan dikongsi dengan mana-mana pihak ketiga selain daripada pihak kementerian. MAB juga akan menjadualkan pertemuan dengan semua pengusha pusat urut tidak lama lagi setelah data disusun. Sila dapatkan bersama borang google untuk diisi. Jika anda mengalami sebarang kesulitan sila hubungi 03-22722 2677 samb 316 (Cik Sarah atau Pn Fairus) atau e-mel Terima kasih, Ikhlas: Cik Santhi Selvam Cik Roslina Mohamed. Tele MAB no. 885 Thursday, 10 March 2022 Tel. no. 03-22722687 Hello friends, There is 1 new announcement. 1. Data Collection Form “Malaysian Blind Massage (MBM)”. In line with Akta 775, MAB and with experts from the industry had several meetings with the Traditional & Complementary Medicine (TCM) department under the Ministry of Health. It was then advised to collect data of practitioners of the industry to pave the way forward in creating a separate code of practice, so as an initial step we request the cooperation of all massage therapists to cooperate with us in collecting as much data as possible. MAB also assures that the personnel data will not be shared with any third party other than the Ministry. MAB also will be scheduling a meeting with all the massage center operators soon once the data is compiled. Please find enclosed the google form to be filled out. If you have any difficulty please call 03-2272 2677 ext 316 (Cik Sarah or Pn Fairus) or email Thank you, Regards: Ms. Santhi Selvam Ms. Roslina Mohamed.

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