Jumaat, November 27, 2009

Pengumuman untuk warga oku penglihatan.




1.        SAMBUTAN HARI OKU 2009

Tarikh: Sabtu 5 Disember 2009.

Masa: 9.00 pagi hingga 6 petang.

Lokasi: Brickfield (berpusat di Kompleks MAB)

Anjuran: Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Kementerian pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga Dan Masyarakat dengan kerjasama Kementerian Wilayah Dan Kesejahteraan Bandar.


Pada tahun ini Hari OKU akan disambut secara meriahdengan berkonsepkan ala karnival.  Semua OKU dijemput dan diharap dapat memeriahkan dengan menghadiri program ini yang sememangnya lain daripada yang lain.  Antara pengisiannya adalah seperti berikut:


A. Pameran daripada semua agensi yang terlibat dengan OKU. 



B. "Speakers Corners" yang akan membicarakan tentang peranan dan fungsi sesebuah agensi kerajaan yang terlibat dalam pembangunan dan pemulihan OKU.  Beberapa OKU yang berjaya juga akan diberi peluang untuk berkongsi pengalaman kejayaan hidup dalam usaha memberi motivasi kepada para pengunjung terutama OKU.


C. Terdapat banyak gerai jualan termasuk yang menjual makanan dan minuman akan disediakan pada hari tersebut.  Gerai tersebut akan dikendalikan oleh OKU yang dipilih dari setiap negeri dalam usaha untuk mengenengahkan projek keusahawanan dikalangan OKU.  Ini selaras dengan konsep "Productive Welfare" yang menjadi salah satu konsep yang sedang diperkasakan oleh pihak JKM terutama untuk golongan ini. 


D. Pusat simulasi dan demonstrasi tentang ketidakupayaan akan disediakan untuk pengunjung yang bukan OKU agar mereka dapat merasakan situasi yang dihadapi oleh OKU.


E. Pentas persembahan turut disediakan yang juga merupakan kerjasama dengan pihak kariawan.  Beberapa artis tanah air dan artis dikalangan OKU akan menghangatkan pentas tersebut.


F. Dijangkakan sebuah Pokok Permintaan (Wishes Tree) akan disediakan untuk memberi peluang kepada semua OKU untuk mengemukakan permintaan atau pandangan bagi memantapkan lagi program pembangunan dan pemulihan untuk OKU. 


PS: Makan dan minum hanya disediakan semasa majlis perasmian sahaja.


Untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut tentang Hari OKU bolehlah menghubungi Jabatan Pembangunan OKU di talian 0326165600.



2.        Ahli KARIAWAN di kalangan OKU.


Melalui satu perbincangan dengan pihak KARIAWAN yang diwakili oleh presidennya Datuk Freddie Fernandez bersama pihak Jabatan pembangunan OKU, persetujuan telah dicapai untuk mengadakan biro OKU di bawah persatuan ini.  Mana-mana OKU amnya dan OKU penglihatan khasnya yang berbakat dan berminat dalam bidang seni dijemput untuk menyertai persatuan ini di bawah biro tersebut.  Bidang seni ini cukup luas mernakumi pelbagai cabang seni termasuk seni penulisan seperti bersajak, menulis novel dan lain-lain.  Bagi sesiapa yang berminat boleh menyertai KARIAWAN dengan mengisi borang yang disediakan dengan yuran sebanyak RM10 sahaja. 


Untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut boleh menghubungi Mohd Hafiz Halim di talian 0326165669 atau 0133400155. 


Sekian, terima kasih.



Ahad, November 15, 2009

Entahlah apa yang berlaku semalam

Semalam, aku telah uninstall Win-rar dan win-zip yang sudah tersedia ada di komputer setelah direformat.  Maklumlah, aku nak menaiktarafkan kedua-dua perisian itu.


Setelah aku memasang kedua-dua program itu semula, aku bukalah perisian skype.  Dan tak lama selepas tu, si Jeruk kawan aku pun memanggil aku.  Elok saja aku nak menjawab panggilan Jeruk, komputer dah sangkut.  Aku pun, seperti biasalah restart komputer tu.


Agak lama juga aku menunggu.  Tapi, komputer tak juga bersuara.  Alamak!  Apa sudah berlaku ya?  Aku menekan bebutang power untuk menutup komputer dan membuka kembali.


Tapi, masih juga sama.  Tiada suara.  Wah!  Apa sudah berlaku ya?  Wah!  Susah ni.  Mungkin cakera keras sudah corrupted agaknya.  Ini sudah kes naya ni.


Kebetulan, anak saudara aku datang ke bilik.  Aku meminta dia tengok, apa dah berlaku.  Aku diberitahu, komputer memang dah start.  Dia sekarang berada di desktop.


Aku suruh dia cuba masuk ke volume control.  Dia cuma masuk ke volume control dengan menggunakan tetikus.  Tapi, tak boleh masuk.  Dia beritahu, ada error, “kno driver audio”.  Alamak, apa sudah berlaku ya?


Aku pun cubalah install audio driver realtec yang aku update hari tu.  Selepas restart, masih juga masalah yang sama.  Wah, ini sudah kes naya.


Kemudian, aku menyuruh anak saudara aku masuk ke bahagian system restore.  Dia pulak tak tahu macammana nak masuk ke system restore tu.  Maka, terpaksalah aku bantu dia untuk masuk ke system restore tersebut.


Setelah system restore dilakukan, akhirnya, komputer bersuara semula.  Wah, nasib baiklah tak berlaku apa-apa.  Lega rasanya.


Itulah.  Sehebat mana pun orang buta dalam komputer, kalau komputer tu dah membisu seribu bahasa, jadi bodoh jugak dia.

Sabtu, November 14, 2009


Dear Friends,
attached are more details of the reunion.
Meet all of you there!
Attachment 1.  Bahasa melayu.

Perjumpaan Lepasan St. Nicholas 2009


1. Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa suatu perjumpaan tahunan bagi

lepasan St. Nicholas bakal diadakan di St. Nicholas Home dari 28

 Disember, 2009 hingga 1 Januari, 2010.  datanglah beramai-ramai untuk sama-sama menjayakannya.


2. Yuran pendaftaran:

2.1. Tarikh tutup pendaftaran ialah pada 22 November, 2009.

2.2. Yuran pendaftaran yanng hanya akan meliputi makanan dan kegiatan-kegiatan pada 

 perjumpaan tersebut ialah RM90.00 untuk ahli dan RM70.00 untuk

 kanak-kanak di bawah 12 tahun. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi mereka

 yang mendaftar sebelumm 22 November berpeluang menikmati diskaun

 sebanyak RM  20.00. Ini bermakna para ahli dan anak-anak mereka

 masing-masing hanya perlu membayar sebanyak RM70.00 dan RM50.00 sahaja.

2.3. Kos membawa bersama pasangan yang bukan ahli dikenakan

 bayaran tambahan sebanyak RM10.00.

                                                                2.4. Oleh kerana para penghuni dan

 bekas-bekas pelajar St. Nicholas yang kerja di sana telah mempunyai program

 makan-minum mereka, mereka hanya perlu membayar harga kanak-kanak dan akan

 tertakluk kepada terma-terma dan syarat-syarat 2.3 dan 2.5. Bagaimanapun, jika

 mereka ingin menikmati makanan para peserta Perjumpaan, mereka perlulah

 membayar seperti para peserta Perjumpaan.       

2.5. Untuk pengesahan, wang pendahuluan pendaftaran sebanyak RM40.00 untuk

 kanak-kanak dan RM50.00 untuk dewasa diperlukan. Bakinya hendaklah

 dijelaskan ketika sampai di St. Nicholas nanti.

2.6. Para peserta yang ingin menarik diri hendaklah berbuat demikian sebelum 10

 Disember, 2009. Wang sebanyak RM20.00 akan dipulangkan. Penarikkan diri

 selepas tarikh tersebut tidak akan dilayan.



  3. Menyedari bahawa ada para ahli yang ingin menyertai jamuan makan malam

 sempena tahun baru tetapi tidak cukup cuti untuk bersama-sama pada

 keseluruhan Perjumpaan tahunan, terdapat suatu pakej khas yang meliputi jamuan

 makan malam tersebut, penginapan asrama pada malam 31 dan sarapan pagi pada

 keesokkannya dengan bayaran RM40.00. Bagaimanapun, para ahli yang berminat

 dengan pakej ini hendaklah mendaftar tidak lewat dari 22 November, 2009.

 Pendaftaran selepas tarikh tersebut tidak akan dilayan.   



4. Penginapan:

4.1     Kadar bayaran penginapan (untuk keseluruhan jangka waktu perjumpaan):

4.1.1. Untuk asrama ialah RM 25.00 bagi seorang peserta. (Para peserta adalah dinasihatkan untuk membawa bersama kunci mangga kecil masing-masing bagi memastikan barangan yang dibawa tersimpan dengan baik di dalam almari yang telah disediakan.)

4.1.2. Bilik tamu 1 dan 2 yang mengandungi 2 katil bujang setiap satu dikenakan bayaran sebanyak RM132 sebilik.   

4.1.3  Bilik ke-3 yang mengandungi 3 katil bujang pula dikenakan sebanyak RM 156. 

4.1.4.  Bilik ke-4 (lebih besar) yang mengandungi 2 katil bujang  adalah RM156.00.

4.1.5.  Bilik ke-5 yang mengandungi 1 katil bersaiz keluarga berharga RM180.00.

4.1.6.  Tilam tambahan pula dikenakan caj sebanyak RM24.00.

4.2.    Kesemua bilik penginapan adalah dilengkapi dengan kemudahan sistem air panas dan penghawa dingin.

4.3.   Keutamaan bilik tamu adalah kepada  keluarga yang mempunyai anak di bawah umur 10 tahun kerana kanak-kanak tersebut tidak dibenarkan untuk tinggal di asrama.

4.4   Jawatankuasa telah berjaya mendapatkan kebenaran melanjutkan waktu penutupan pintu pagar asrama perempuan dari jam 11.00 malam hingga ke tengah malam.

4.5.  Pintu pagar utama St Nicholas Home akan ditutup pada tengah malam.



5. Diingatkan bahawa makanan akan hanya dihidangkan bermula dengan

 sarapan pagi 29 Disemberdan berakhir dengan sarapan pagi 1 Januari. 



6. Program:


6.1   28/12:    2.00 petang-6.00 petang         Pendaftaran

                                8.00 malam                   Taklimat

6.2.   29/12:             9.00 pagi                                    Ceramah bertajuk "Making Eco  Enzyme"

                                2.30 petang                       Pertandingan Mencari Harta Karun

6.3.   30/12:                   9.00 pagi                        Perkembangan terkini St Nicholas Home

                                8.00 malam- Malam social.                    

6.4.   31/12:                   9.00 pagi                  lawatan

                                8.00 malam                    Jamuan Makan Malam bersama bekas wargakerja St Nicholas Home dan pertandingan karaoke sempena sambutan Tahun Baru


7.     Adalah menjadi hasrat kami untuk menjemput sebanyak mungkin bekas kakitangan St. Nicholas ke jamuan makan pada 31 November itu.  Sehubungan dengan ini, kami mengalu-alukan sebarang maklumat tentang bekas kakitangan yang sangat-sangat bermakna kepada anda agar dapat membantu kami dalam memantapkan lagi senarai jemputan demi untuk mehyemarakkan lagi upacara ini.


8.     Pada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menyertainya, sila berurusan dengan Miss Linda  Kam untuk membuat pendaftaran di talian yang tertera di bawah:

  • Telefon Bimbit: 013-3402302
  • Pejabat: 03-20948111
  • Rumah: 03-22745022.

Ahli-ahli juga boleh membuat pendaftaran dengan En. Amir Teh di talian: 012-4197968.


      9. Selain itu, anda boleh menghubungi senarai Ahli Jawatankuasa di bawah untuk sebarang pertanyaan lanjut berkenaan program ini:

  • Lilian Chan (Pengerusi):                        013-3400663
  • Amir Teh (Setiausaha):                          012-4197968
  • Linda Kam (bendahari):                          013-3402302
  • Moses Choo (Ahli Jawatankuasa):        013-3971442
  • Rosnah Ahmad (Ahli Jawatankuasa):  03-20347007 (Pejabat)


2.  Attach english.


Old-nicolites' Reunion 2009


1.         Please be informed that our Annual Reunion at St. Nicholas Home will be from the 28th of december 2009 till the 1st of January 2010.  So do come in full force to join in the fun and make this year's Reunion a real success.


2.         Registration fee:

2.1.      The closing date for registration is the 22nd of November, 2009.

2.2.      The registration fee which covers only food and the activities for the reunion is at RM90.00 for members and RM70.00 for children below 12 years of age.  However, those who register before the 22nd of November will enjoy a discount of RM20.00 which means that members and children only pay RM70.00 and RM50.00 respectively.

2.3.      The cost of bringing along your spouse who is not a member wil be an additional of RM10.00 on top of all other charges.

2.4.      As residents and old-nicolites working in SNH will already have food arrangements made, they only need to pay the same rate as children and will be subjected to the terms and conditions stated at items 3.2 and 3.5. However, should they wish to enjoy the same food as other old-nicolites, they would be required to pay the same rate as other members.

2.5.      For confirmation, there will be a pre-registration fee of RM40.00 for children and RM50,00 for memberss. This fee will be considered part of the registration fee and the remainder be paid up on arrival.

2.6.      Participants who wish to withdraw will need to do so before the 10th of December 2009. There will be a partial refund of RM20.00.  Any withdrawals after that will not be entertained.



3.         Realising that there will bbe some members who would like to join in the new year's eve dinner but do not have enough leave to stay for the whole reunion, there is a special package that includes the new year's eve dinner, dormitory accommodation for the night of the 31st, and breakfast for the next morning at a cost of RM40.00. However, members who are interested in this package will have to register by the 22nd of November, 2009. Any registration after that will not bbe entertained.


4.         Accommodation:

4.1.      Accommodation rates (for the whole duration):

4.1.1.   Dormitory is RM25.00 per person. (Members are advised to bring along a small padlock to lock up their belongings in the cupboard provided.)

4.1.2.   Guest rooms 1 and 2 consisting of 2 single beds each is RM132.00 per room.

4.1.3.   Room 3 consisting of 3 single beds is at RM156.00.

4.1.4.   Room 4 (larger) consisting of 2 single beds is at RM156.00.

4.1.5.   Room 5 consisting of 1 queen size bed is at RM180.00.

4.1.6.   An additional mattress costs RM24.00.

4.2.      All of the guestrooms are equipped with hot water system and air-conditioning. 4.3.       Priority for guestroom stay is for families with children below 10 years of age as

these children are not allowed to stay in the dormitories.

4.4       The committee has managed to extend the closing of the girls' cottage gate from 11.00 pm to mid night.

4.5.      The main gate of SNH compound will be closed by mid night.


5.         Please note that food will only be served from the 29th of December till the 1st of January beginning with breakfast on the 29th till breakfast on the 1st of January.


6.         Programme

6.1       28/12  2.00 pm to 6.00 pm      Registration.

                        8.00 pm                       Briefing

6.2.      29/12   9.00 am            Talk on Making Eco Enzyme

                        2.30 pm           A game of Treasure Hunt

6.3.      30/12   9.00 am            SNH update

                        8.00 pm           Social evening.

6.4.      31/12   9.00 am            A trip out

                        8.00 pm           New year's eve dinner together with ex-staff plus karaoke.


7.         In order to invite as many ex-staff as possible to our new year's eve dinner, we welcome members to help us build up the list.


8.         For those who would like to attend the reunion, please register with Miss Linda Kam. She can be contacted at

Mobile: 013-3402302

Office: 03-20948111

Home: 03-22745022.

Members can also register with Amir Teh at SNH. He can be contacted at 012-4197968.


9.         For further enquiries, you can also contact any of the organizing committee members:

Lilian Chan (chairman): mobile 013-3400663

Amir Teh (secretary): 012-4197968

Linda Kam (treasurer): mobile 013-3402302

Moses Choo (committee member): 013-3971442

Rosnah Ahmad (committee member): office 03-20347007

Rabu, November 11, 2009

Kategori Baru OKU

Selamat sejahtera semua,
Ini dia senarai kategori oku yang baru di negara ini.
kategori baru OKU.

Kategori baru OKU melibatkan penglihatan, pendengaran, fizikal,
masalah pembelajaran, pertuturan dan mental berbanding kategori lama
iaitu penglihatan, pendengaran, fizikal, masalah pembelajaran dan
cerebral palsy.

Dan akhirnya, rezeki datang.

Wow, terima kasihlah kilang tempat kerja lama aku.  Setelah hampir lima tahun hanya menerima gaji pokok daripada mereka akibat ketiadaan stok barang di situ, akhirnya mulai pada Isnin hadapan, 16TH Januari, aku akan mula bekerja semula di kilang tersebut iaitu Denko IPC di Kampung Jawa Bayan Lepas.  Shukur kepada tuhan kerana akhirnya, rezeki sudah datang.  Semoga akan terus bekerja di situ.

Rotary Club award for blind IT instructor

Rotary Club award for blind IT instructor

BEING blind did not deter 30-year-old Fadzlin Hiezrie Abd Rahman from learning a skill he enjoys dabbling in — information technology.

Born with only slight vision, he was drawn to computer games when he was nine.

Later, when he lost his vision completely, his school bought a new computer and he dedicated his time to learning to use it.

"In those days, computers were not equipped to help blind people learn how to use them," he recalled.

Proud moment: Nikki presenting the Vocational Service Award to Fadzlin (second from left) while Sajeet (right) and the rest of the MAB staff look on.

Nevertheless, the computers did come with a speech card and the Word Perfect programme.

He then joined the Penang St Nicholas School for the blind in 1995 and honed his skills on the keyboard.

Fadzlin began teaching individuals and corporations on a freelance basis in 2003 and joined the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) in 2006.

"I decided to dedicate my teaching skills to the MAB and help those who needed our assistance," he added.

Recently, the bashful bachelor was acknowledged for his contribution to society by the Rotary Club of Bangsar.

Fadzlin received the Vocational Services Award at the MAB office where he teaches short courses to participants.

He has five to 10 clients in each course that lasts five days and costs RM50 for an individual and RM500 per person for companies.

"The toughest people to teach are the blind senior citizens as they find it harder to understand and grasp the concepts," Fadzlin said.

Another group of people who need special attention are those with more than one disability, like those who have both hearing and visual impairment.

For those who are blind, like Fadzlin, a speech card is enough for them to hear the command and words typed on the computer.

"However, for those who are deaf and blind, we have to resort to a special programme with braille," he explained.

He also mans the Yahoo Trainers Corner, which is a portal that allows trainers to come together to share tips and ideas on teaching IT. The group now has more than 300 members, of whom 80% are locals.

The blind can also access other IT services at the MAB and it costs only RM1 per session.

There is also the Cyber Club where members can use the facilities but will need to pay RM12 only per year.

Fadzlin's painstaking efforts and patience in guiding those who need the expertise has helped most of his clients land stable jobs.

"He has done a great service for the community and we wanted to honour him on his own home­ground," said Rotary Club of Bangsar vocational service director Sajeet Soudagar.

Sajeet added that Fadzlin had been on the list since last year so they decided to add his name to the list of recipients this year.

The awards presentation is a yearly activity that began when the club was established more than 25 years ago.

According to club president Nikki Sidhu, there are two other recipients of the award this year.

"We had a meeting three weeks ago when Rotary members could nominate those who were eligible for the award," Nikki said.

A week after the nominations, the board members gathered and decided on the three recipients.

The other two recipients are A.G.P. Vijeyaledchumi, 60, who has been working as a security and traffic control personnel at SMK Assunta in Petaling Jaya since 1980, and Mohd Aizat Yap Abd Rahman, a helper at the Royal Selangor Club who collects can rings for recycling.

"Aizat has been collecting the can rings for three years now and once a month, he delivers the rings to us," Nikki added.

Rotary Bangsar then sends the collected rings to an organisation in Thailand to be processed into artificial legs for patients.

The organisation in Thailand receives the rings from all parts of the world.

Sabtu, November 07, 2009

Info SBM Pulau Pinang

Pertandingan membaca brail akan diadakan pada 15TH November ini, kepada ahli SBM Pulau Pinang yang berminat, sila menelefon kerani bertugas pada waktu pejabat untuk pendaftaran.
EGM SBM akan diadakan di Hill City Hotel Gopeng Perak pada 6TH Disember ini, kepada ahli SBM Pulau Pinang, tarikh tutup pendaftaran ialah pada 24TH November ini.  Jika sekiranya melebihi 30 orang, pengangkutan bas akan disediakan oleh SBM Pulau Pinang.  Untuk pendaftaran, sila hubungi kerani bertugas pada waktu pejabat.
Sekian harap maklum.
Dari Setiausaha SBM Cawangan Pulau Pinang,
En.  Tai Khai Eong.

Jumaat, November 06, 2009

Complexes becoming aware

Daripada: Choo Kim Yoon
Tarikh: Sunday, November 01, 2009 4:02 PM

Complexes becoming aware

Published on: Sunday, November 01, 2009
Kota Kinabalu: Where considering the needs of the disabled are concerned, 1Borneo Hypermall has certainly blazed the trail for others to follow.

Visually impaired shoppers and visitors have the benefit of lifts with Braille buttons on the lower ground floor, ground floor, first floor and second floor.

Braille is a system of reading and writing for the blind, representing the letters of the alphabet by raised dots which they can read by touching them.

State Community & Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Hjh Azizah Mohd Dun was impressed with the facilities provided by 1Borneo Management Corporation Sdn Bhd
inside and outside the hypermall. Disabled-friendly toilets are also available on the lower ground floor, ground floor, first floor and second floor.

"I also commend them for providing special parking lots for OKUs on the lower ground and second floor. It is a good effort. And there are signages to this
effect. However, there is ample room for improvement.

"Being OKU-friendly will attract more people to the hypermall and this will boost business," she said after a guided tour of the premises.

On-the-spot briefing was given by its Assistant General Manager (Centre Management) Jefveleon Rengga and Operation Manager/Chief Security Officer Leben

Five wheelchairs are also on standby at the information counter which are lent out to those who need the facility for sightseeing or shopping.

"They are trying their best to make 1Borneo as OKU-friendly as possible. I can see that the management corporation is serious about the provisions in the
Persons With Disabilities Act 2008. I am happy they have taken note of the necessary rectification to be done. I think the ramp is a little too steep for
wheelchair-bound individuals.

And perhaps the drop at the toilet floor level can be corrected accordingly," Azizah said.

Siddarth said 1Borneo Hypermall is on par with KL standard. "We did a market survey and realised the importance of catering to the needs of persons with
disabilities," he said.

At the Centre Point Sabah (CPS) Complex, the entrance to the sixth floor from the car park has been modified to improve accessibility to the shopping mall,
particularly for disabled people.

"There is no split level at the entrance and we have installed an automatic sliding-door. Wheelchair users can wheel themselves up a tiled ramp with a gentle
gradient that serves as the walkway. It is very spacious on the sixth floor, and from here, they can go to any floor, using the lift.

"The lift door is wide enough for wheelchairs," said the complex' Commercial Management Manager Lynda Wong. Previously, a removable wooden ramp was used
but it has since been discarded. A Daily Express check found the shopping mall has two lifts meant for the use of the visually impaired. Here, too, dotted
shapes are used to indicate the "open" and "close" signs on the operating panel. Likewise, dotted figures to show the respective floors which the blind
can read by touching and feeling them.

Wong said it is in the planning stage to provide toilets for disabled persons in line with the requirements of the Persons With Disabilities Act 2008.

Presently, the Karamunsing Complex is only partially disabled-friendly, according to its General Manager R.V. Varan.

"We have ramps on the lower ground and at the main entrance. The complex is undergoing renovation, and it is part of our plan to provide toilets and allocate
parking lots on each floor for the disabled," he said.

A visit to Wisma Merdeka found no toilets available for the disabled. This was not surprising because the shopping complex is more than 20 years old and
the guidelines on building requirement for disabled persons were not in place then.

However, there are ramps at the front and back entrances to facilitate the movement of wheelchair users.

Arkit blog