Ahad, Disember 30, 2007

Lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian ketujuh dan terakhir.

Ok, inilah rumusannya.

Sepanjang perjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur, ianya amat meriah sekali. Contohnya pada malam 24 Disember, kami pergi makan di kedai Ina. Suasana amat meriah sekali. Si Lin bercerita tentang kemalangan yang berlaku sedikit sebanyak. Tangannya pun masih belum elok sepenuhnya.

Pada 25 Disember pula, Ayana dan Yusuf buat jamuan khas untuk aku. Amboi macam tuan. Aku pi tembak kak Ros kononnya aku makan enam pinggan bihun goreng dan tiga pinggan roti jala. Ish ish ish, orang tua tu percaya bulat-bulat. Bongok betoilah. Alamak, bongoklah pulak.

Pada hari itu, aku tak teringat kepada sorang lagi rakanku sekolahku iaitu Amir Shamsudin. Wah, kalaulah Amir datang hari tu, sudah tentulah lagi meriah dan lagi riuh-rendah. Silap haribulan, boleh terbalik rumah si Ayana tu. Aku dan Amir satu kelas dari darjah empat hingga darjah enam. Ha, cantiklah, memang lagi banyak cerita untuk diungkitlah.

Aku dan Ayana pun satu batch jugak. Walau pun dia di sekolah Sultanah Bahiyah dan aku di Sekolah Hj. Zainul Abidin, tapi kami selalu tulis surat. Wey, aku hantar surat kat dia, berpuluh keping punya o! Panjang berjela punya persembangan kami ni dalam surat. Dan, orang yang perkenalkan aku kat Ayana ialah Hartini. Hartini Arshad tu pun kawan sekelas aku jugak dari darjah satu, sampai darjah enam. Ha, tu lagi lama. Alamak, sedarjah bukan sekelas. Cuma darjah satu dan dua saja sekelas. Salah tu. Dan pada hari tu Chicken Little pulang lebih kurang jam satu tengahari sebab kak iparnya nak datang.

Pada malam itu, aku, Yusuf, Zulkarnain dan Abian pergi ke kedai Ina untuk makan. Dan pada malam itulah aku telah berjumpa dengan rakan yang selalu fun talk dengan aku iaitu Rosni dari Sabah.

"Rosni, oh Rosni." Aku memanggil. "Ya." Dia menjawab. "Hang kenai aku tak?" Aku bertanya. "Siapa tu?" Rosni bertanya penuh kehairanan. "La, yang selalu hantaq fun talk kat hanglah." Aku menjawab. "Oh, yang dari Penang tukah?" Rosni bertanya. "Yalah." Jawab aku rengkas. Rosni bersama rakannya Bika yang juga dari Sabah.

26 Disember rabu pula, aku datang lagi rumah Yusuf. Kali ni nak memproses komputer si Ayana. Yang buat komputer dia tak boleh start tu ialah selepas aku buang registory key google. Sepatutnya, benda ni takkan berlaku tapi mungkin komputer ni dah ada masalah. Tapi aku memang tau yang Yusuf boleh selesaikan masalah ni.

Hari tu, memang seharianlah aku duduk rumah si Yusuf. Ayana pakai laptop, aku pakai komputer dia dan Yusuf pakai komputer tingkat atas. ha best o.

Dan petang itu, aku skype dengan cikgu Rashid, cikgu Razali, Azman Rejab, adik, Johari hassan dan Yusuf sendiri. Ha tudia. Dan sambil itu aku pun curi-curilah explore barang. Aku install dan uninstall. Ayana tak tau ha ha ha ha ha.

Pada malam itu, aku dan Yusuf keluar bersama dengan kak Rozi. Ha, kak Rozi beritahu, dia mengenali Anwar Zain dan Amy Mastura. Yalah, semua ni, bekas pramugari. Dia juga mengenali Maria Tungku Sabri. Dia kata Maria tu tak gemuk sebenarnya cuma tv tu akan bagi kita nampak orang tu gemuk sikit.

Bolehlah dikatakan, sepanjang perjalan ke Kuala Lumpur kali ni, aku melepak di rumah Ayana bermain komputer. nanti kalau datang lagi, aku nak cari lagi rakan-rakan sekolah aku yang lain.


Lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian keenam

Ok, menyambung lagi kisah lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur.

Sabtu, 29 Disember.

Pada pagi itu, aku bangun sekitar jam tujuh pagi. Semalam, dah tidur lambat pasai pergi bersembang di kedai Ina, jadi terlajaklah sikit. Tapi tak apa, sikit saja.

Selepas bangun, aku terus menghubungi rakanku Yusuf. Panggilanku tidak berjawab. Ah tak apalah. Aku pun, terus pergi gosok gigi, berak dan mandi. Dan semasa sedang mandi, telefonku berbunyi.

Setelah keluar, aku menelefon Yusuf. "Aa encik, sekarang saya sudah mau sampai." "Lagi sepuluh minit." Beritahu Yusuf. Sekarang aku pun mulalah memakai kasut.

Jam lapan pagi, aku turun ke lobi hotel. usuf sudah sedia menunggu. kami sekarang ke Restoran Puteri iaitu restoran kendalian pelakon Rubiah Suparman. Di sana, aku makan nasi goreng, karipap dan nescafe O.

Semasa makan, Zulkarnain telah menelefon Yusuf. Rupanya, dia nak suruh Yusuf ajar dia komputer. Waktunya, jam sembilan setengah pagi nanti.

Selepas makan, kami pun bergerak pulang. Semasa di pertengahan jalan, kami telah terserempak dengan Jamiah. Wah, besar badan si Jamiah tu. "Miah!" Yusuf memanggil. Mereka bersembang sebentar. "Mana nak pergi?" Jamiah bertanya. Baru balik dari restoran Puteri. Terang Yusuf.

"Eh bila awak datang Khai Eong?" Jamiah bertanya padaku. "Isnin lepas, aku dah nak balik dah." Beritahuku. "Oh." Jawab Jamiah. "Eh apa nombor telefon hang?" Aku bertanya. "Nanti hang mintak dari Yusuf." "Dia ada." Beritahu Jamiah.

Selepas itu, kami pun berjalan pulang ke tempat penginapan. "Ok encik, rumusannya jadi setakat di sini sajalah." "Lain kali, kita jumpa lagi no." Beritahu Yusuf. "Ok encik, kita jumpa lagi, bye." Aku berkata. "Ok." Jawab Yusuf. Aku terus naik ke bilik untuk berkemas.

Paul Keong masih belum pergi bersarapan. Dan lebih kurang jam sembilan pagi, dia pun keluarlah pergi bersarapan. Sementara aku pula, membuka tv.

Sedang aku mendengar tv, aku terasa nak beraklah pulak. Jadi, sambil berak, aku mendengar rancangan kartun di tv2. Wah, canggih gitu kan?

jam sembilan setengah pagi, Paul Keong telah kembali. Dia pergi makan chee cheong fan kat kedai yang berhampiran dengan Lido hotel.

Jam sepuluh pagi, kami pergi menunggu teksi untuk ke Jalan Duta. Kami minta bantuan orang untuk menahan teksi itu. Lima minit kemudian, teksi pun sampai. Apa lagi, naiklah kami.

Pemandu teksi itu amat peramah sekali. Dia berbual-bual dengan kami. Banyak jugak topik yang kami sembang. Dan, sembang punya sembang, maka akhirnya, sampai juga kami ke Jalan Duta tu.

Kami dibawa oleh pemandu teksi itu ke kaunter pertanyaan. Dan selepas itu, pemandu itu pun beredar. Rupanya, pemandu itu membawa kami ke kaunter yang salah. kami pun, dibawa ke kaunter pertanyaan yang betul.

"Hello, saya nak conform tiket bas saya ni dari Kl ke Penang." Beritahu Paul Keong kepada petugas kaunter. Petugas kaunter itu memeriksa tiket bas itu. "Ini tiket bas Penang Kl encik." Beritahu petugas kaunter. Paul Keong agak terkejut. Nasib baik dia tak buang tiket bas itu katanya.

Selepas memeriksa tiket perjalanan, kami dibawa ke tempat menunggu bas oleh seorang pemuda. Kami pun duduklah di kerusi yang kosong.

Setelah agak lama kami duduk, kami pergi bertanya pada petugas kaunter. Beliau memberitahu bas akan tiba jam 10:45 minit pagi. Kami dibawa duduk di sebuah kerusi yang terletak agak hampir dengan pintu dan kipas. Kami duduk di situ agak lama juga.

Pengumuman pun diberikan bahawa bas ke Pulau Pinang sudah pun sampai. Kami dibawa ke bas. kami duduk di kerusi 3! dan 3B yang terletak agak ke tengah sikit. Dan kira-kira jam 11:05 minit pagi, bas pun memulakan perjalanannya. Bas hanya berhenti untuk para penumpang ke toilet dan makan. Kami sampai di Pulau Pinang pada lebih kurang jam empat petang.

Ok, bersambung.

Sabtu, Disember 29, 2007

Melawat ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian kelima

Ok, kita akan sambung lagi cerita lawatan ke Kl.

Jumaat 28 Disember.

Pada pagi itu, seperti biasa, aku dan Yusuf pergi bersarapan pagi. Jam lapan setengah pagi, Yusuf telah menelefon aku. "Hello encik, sekejap nanti, aku sampai ha." Beritahu Yusuf kepadaku. Setelah talian telefon diputuskan, aku pun bersiap sedia.

Jam sembilan pagi, Yusuf masih belum sampai-sampai lagi. Sementara itu, Paul Keong sudah pun keluar pergi bersarapan. Maka, tinggallah aku sorang diri di bilik itu. Aku pun membuka tv untuk mendengar apakah rancangan yang menarik di tv. Aku pun terus menunggu ketibaan Yusuf. Ke manalah dia agaknya.

Telefon berbunyi. Aku terus menjawab. "Ha encik, aku lambat sikitlah tadi ada guru tahan aku." "Ok, sepuluh minit lagi, aku sampai." Beritahu Yusuf. Aku pun terus menunggu.

Beberapa minit kemudian, aku pun menutup tv dan turun ke lobi hotel untuk menunggu ketibaan Yusuf. Lima belas minit kemudian, Yusuf pun tiba. Kami sekali lagi, ke kedai Yusuf Ali. Pagi itu, aku makan roti bakar dengan planta enam set. Yusuf hanya makan dua set. Dan, semasa sedang makan, aku terdengar suara seperti si Badin. Aku mengesyaki itu adalah Badin begitu juga dengan Yusuf.

Selepas makan, aku pergi lagi ke rumah Yusuf. Aku pun membuka komputer Ayana untuk menyiapkan tulisan aku untuk cerita melawat ke KL bahagian ketiga tu. Bila dah siap jam sudah menunjukkan jam duabelas setengah tengahari. Aku menutup komputer Ayana dan naik tingkat dua rumah Yusuf. Kali ni, aku buka pula komputer Yusuf. Aku nak explore adakah open office tu sesuai dengan Jaws 8 atau pun tidak. Wah, kena pakai jaws cursorlah pulak. Kira ok tu.

Selepas itu, aku download pula Jaws 9 dan install semata-mata untuk test open office. Selepas test, aku kena uninstall balik jaws 9 dan 8. Sebabnya, masa agak panjang lagi. Jadi, tak ada kerja, cari kerjalah tu.

Setelah selesai explore, aku sambung lagi cerita melawat Kl bahagian keempat. Cerita tu aku tulis dengan serengkas yang boleh sebab petang tu, kami akan ke Sungei Wang Plaza dan Law Yatt Plaza.

Jam 3:45 minit petang, maka bertolaklah kami ke Sungei Wang Plaza dengan Ayana dan Yusuf. Kami menaiki mono rell. Dan sebelum menaiki mono rell ke Sungei Wang Plaza, kami ke pejabat pos bahagian pos laju sebab Ayana nak hantar barang. Dan selepas itu, bertolaklah kami ke Sungei Wang Plaza dengan menaiki mono rell.

Bila sampai di Sungei Wang Plaza, kami terus ke RMB Curry House. Di sana kami pekena nasi kandak. Amboi best betoi. Aku makan nasi kandak dengan lauk daging kambing. Dan yang best tu, siap boleh makan dengan tangan lagi tu. Tulah yang best tu. Dan nasi kandak tu, memang piau betoi. Kalau tak piau, tak kenyang makan sepinggan. Banyak o satu pinggan.

Setelah makan, kami pun berjalan-jalanlah di sekitar Sungei Wang Plaza tu. Amboi, luas betullah tempat tu. Hingar-bingar dengan manusia-manusia.

Selepas itu, kami pergilah pula ke Law Yaat Plaza. Wah! Setahu aku kat situ, tempat menjual peralatan komputer. Wah, ni mesti best punya ni.

Kami singgah di sebuah kedai yang selalu dikunjungi oleh Ayana dan Yusuf. Di situ, mereka beli thum drive Kingston 4 GB dan beberapa lagi peralatan. Aku pun dah lupa. Kami juga berkesempatan bercerita dengan tuan kedai itu tentang laptop dan talian internet. Amboi kalau nak bercerita di sini, esok tak habis.

Selepas itu, kami pergi pula ke kedai telefon bimbit. Wah wah! Ada banyak telefon bimbit, antara yang sempat aku pegang ialah Nokia 82. Dan yang tak sempat aku pegang ialah namanya d-port kalau tak salah aku. D-port ni menggunakan windows mobile punya. Jadi, bolehlah digunakan untuk online.

"Haya, itu bunyi, banyak bisinglah." Rungut tuan kedai itu. Sebenarnya pada masa itu, satu konsert sedang diadakan di kompleks tersebut. Artis cina tu.

Selepas berbual panjang dengan tuan kedai pasai handphone, kami kembali semula ke Sungei Wang Plaza. Dan pada kali ini, kami ke kedai jam sebab Ayana nak beli jam.

Semasa berada di kedai jam, Rosnah pulak telefon. Dia bertanya ke mana pergi, itu dan ini. Kemudian, talian diputuskan. Ayana sedang sibuk memilih jam yang berkenan di hatinya. Sementara aku dan Yusuf menunggu penuh sabar.

"Hang nak tau, masa aku kerja kat sini dulu, dari pagi kedai bukak jam sepuluh, sampailah malam kedai tutu;, orang tetap ramai." "Entah manalah datangnya aku pun tak tau." Yusuf bercerita panjang lebar padaku. Ya betul. Memang orang sentiasa hilang. Tak kurang walau sedikit pun.

Kemudian, aku menelefon si Abian. "Oi encik, buat apa?" Aku memulakan bicara. "Tak buat apa, aku di rumah." Abian menjawab. "Eh malam ni jom keluaq minum." "Aku nak balik dah esok." Aku mengajak Abian. "Pukul berapa hang nak keluar?" Abian bertanya. "Nanti kalau nak keluar, aku telefon." "La ni aku dok ada kat Sungei Wang ni." Beritahuku. "Hang pi dengan siapa?" Tanya Abian. "Dengan Yusuf dan Ayana." Aku menjawab. Selepas itu, talian telefon telah pun diputuskan.

Setelah selesai membeli jam, kami pun berangkat pulanglah dengan mono rell. Masa tu, dah pun lapan setengah malam. Kami sampai semula di rumah si Yusuf, dah pun jam sembilan dua minit malam. Aku terus on komputer dan skype dan terus minta si Cornelius kirimkan real player activator dan software sekali. Maka, aku pun menyelesaikan kerja-kerja terakhir aku. Bila dah siap, jam sudah 10:30 malam.

Semasa kami sampai, ada orang ramai di salah sebuah rumah iaitu jiran Yusuf. Entah mengapa, mereka pun tak tau. Yusuf kata, nanti dia akan tanya.

Sementara itu pula, Ayana dan mengadu sakit kepala dan sakit tulang belakang. Dia ni, bukannya boleh jalan jauh. Ni yang leceh ni. Dia hanya menyuruh Yusuf untuk membungkus makanan untuk dibawa balik.

Aku dan Yusuf keluar jam 10:45 minit malam. Kami terus menuju ke kedai Ina. Aku lebih suka makan kat sana. Entah mengapa tak taulah aku.

"Zeenie," Yusuf memanggil. "Nak apa?" Pelayan Zeenie datang untuk mengambil pesanan. "Ha, saya nak, ais kosong tiga cawan dan nasi goreng kampung." Aku memberitahu. "Nasi goreng tambah ek?" Zeenie berkata. "Amboi hang tau no aku nak nasi tambah?" Aku bertanya. "Kita tahu dah sebab awak selalu datang." Jelas Zeenie. "Tapi ni malam terakhir dah saya datang." Beritahuku. "Oh jadi dah nak baliklah ni?" Zeenie bertanya. "Yalah, tahun depan, aku mailah lagi." Beritahuku.

"Tahun depan saya dah tak ada." "Saya dah kahwin." Beritahu Zeenie. "Kahwin dengan siapa?" Aku bertanya. "Dengan Haikal." Beritahu Zeenie rengkas lalu beredar dari situ. Alamak, Haikallah pulak. "Ah hang dengaklah si Zeenie tu." Beritahu Yusuf. "Ha, macam budak-budak kan?" Aku berkata. "Yalah, baru enambelas tahun." Terang Yusuf. "Eh kenapa dia tak sekolah ha?" Aku bertanya. "Tak tau." Yusuf menjawab rengkas.

Tidak lama kemudian, Abian pun tiba. "Hang pi Law Yatt tak beli apa-apakah?" Abian bertanya. "Taklah." Aku menjawab rengkas. "La, pi tak beli apa no hang?" Abian bertanya.

Tak lama selepas itu, Rosmin pun datang. Wah, maka kami pun bersembanglah. Banyak jugak topik. Antaranya, laksmana bentan, topik jin, topik radio dan pelbagai lagi.

Kira-kira jam 11:30 malam, Yusuf pun memesan sebungkus nasi dengan Ina. Si Ina tu, suara sengau. Khabarnya dia ada penyakit resedong. Sebelum itu, Yusuf telah pergi ke gerai burger. dan mendapati, gerai itu kosong. Selepas itu, barulah dia pesan.

"Orang gerai sebelah tu kata, gerai tu buka tapi orang burger tu tak datang dah dua jam." Cerita si Zeenie pada Yusuf. "Ah, biak mampoih pi kat dia." Yusuf berkata.

Selepas memesan barang makanan, kami terus berbual-bual lagi. Maklumlah aku nak balik dah ni. Sejam kemudian, makanan yang dipesan oleh Yusuf masih belum sampai-sampai. Wah apa sudah jadi ni? "Ina," "mana saya punya pesanan?" Yusuf bertanya. Makanan segera disiapkan.

Jam 12:45 minit tengahmalam, kami dah bersiap-siap nak pulang. "Ha Khai Eong, lain kali kita jumpa lagilah." Kata Rosmin sambil berjabat tangan denganku. ":Ha ok." Aku menjawab.

"Kali ni, aku takdak masa sangat dengan hanglah encik." Kata Abian sambil berjabat tangan dengan aku. Dan selepas itu, kami semua pun bersurai. Aku dihantar oleh Yusuf ke tempat penginapanku.

Bila dah balik, aku terus mandi dan aku tidur kira-kira jam dua pagi.

Ok, bersambung.

Jumaat, Disember 28, 2007

Pergi ke Sungei Wang Plaza

Aha, pada hari ni, aku pergi ke Sungei Wang Plaza dan ke Law Yatt Plaza. Dan, aku pi makan nasi kandak kat RMB Curry House. Wah best o! Ok, ini akan diceritakan esok. Hampa nak tau, kami makan kenyang sekenyang-kenyangnya. Aku pergi dengan dua orang sahabat sekolahku Ayana dan Yusuf.


Lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian keempat

Ok, menyambung lagi cerita ini.

27 Disember, Khamis.

Jam Sembilan setengah pagi, aku telah siap menunggu di pintu lobi hotel. Dan tidak lama kemudian, maka Yusuf pun datanglah membawa aku makan. Pada pagi itu, kami pergi lagi ke kedai Yusuf Ali. Kali ini, aku menghentam roti canai sebanyak empat keeping. "Ada betulkah?" "Empat keeping, ada betulkah?" Pelayan restoran itu bertanya agak terkejut. "Ha betul." Jawabku rengkas.

Semasa makan, Yusuf telah menelefon si Rosmin. Rosmin memberitahu yang dia nak ikut serta untuk makan. Dan tidak lama kemudian, Rosmin pun muncul. Dia makan roti dengan telur.

Selepas makan, kami pergilah ke rumah Rosmin. Rumah Rosmin ni agak besar juga. Besar dan luas. Setelah sampai di rumahnya, kami pun berehat-rehatlah. Rosmin terus membuka tv. Siaran Astro.

Tidak lama kemudian, Yusuf menelefon Subki. "Hello Subki, kat mana engkau?" "Engkau mesti datang rumah Rosmin tau." "Ok, baik." Talian pun diputuskan.

Lama menunggu, si Subki masih belum muncul-muncul lagi. Dan, sekali lagi Yusuf menelefonnya. Tidak lama kemudian, si Subki yang lembap itu pun datanglah.

Sementara itu, aku pula, sedang sibuk install sound forge di computer Rosmin. Aku juga cuba nak update jaws kat computer Rosmin tapi tak Berjaya. Sebabnya, barang yang aku nak itu, tak boleh download.

Lebih kurang jam satu setengah petang, Ayana telah menelefon Yusuf dan memberitahu yang dia sedang menunggu di simpang empat. Kami semua pun pakat-pakatlah turun dan pergi ke simpang empat. Ya, memang betul, Ayana sedang menunggu di sana.

Ayana memberitahuku bahawa cik ayam sekeluarga pergi ke K 4. Kami terus pergi ke Kedai Zul untuk makan. Di sana, aku telah menghentam sepinggan besar nasi, kari ikan, tiga ketul ikan dan sayur kobis dan dua cawan air bandung.

Dan selepas makan, si Ayana membawa kami pergi berjalan-jalan ke Kl Central. Dia mengheret, Yusuf, Rosmin dan aku. Macam heret lembu. Sebenarnya, Ayana akan berangkat pulang ke kampong pada Jumaat ini.

Di Kl Central, Ayana telah pergi bank. Bank apa tu, aku dah lupalah. Dan selepas ke bank, kami meronda sebentar. Selepas itu, aku pergi membeli air mineral sebotol besar. Selepas membeli air mineral, kami pun berjalan pulang ke rumah Yusuf.

Semasa dalam perjalanan pulang, Ayana terasa hendak beraklah pulak. Jadi, dia heretlah kami jalan laju-laju. Semakin lama, semakin laju dia berjalan. Kerana dah tak tahan katanya. Dan akhirnya, aku dan Rosmin telah terpisah. Masa tu, dah sampai dah kat rumah Ayana.

Apabila sampai, kami masuk dan berehat sementara Ayana, terus pergi berak. Aku pun menegoklah air mineral yang aku beli tadi tu setengah botol.

Selepas Ayana keluar dari jamban, aku pun, mulalah memproses komputernya. Yalah, masih ada lagi yang belum dibereskan. Dan Rosmin pula dah pergi solat.

Tidak lama kemudian, aku pun on skype dan bersembang dengan Hashim Ishak, Razali Ahmad dan Cornelius.

Pada petang itu, sepatutnya aku pergi ke rumah Rosmadi. Tetapi, aku telah membatalkan rancangan itu sebab aku takut hujan.

Aku menelefon Rosmadi. "Wey Madi, aku belum tentu lagi tau nak mai." "Pasai, sini dah mula gelap macam nak hujan." Beritahuku panjang lebar. "Tak hujan, tak hujan lagi." Rosmadi berkata. "Ok, nanti aku call hang." Beritahuku.

Beberapa minit kemudian, si Abian pula menelefon. "Eh encik, aku tak bolehlah nak ikut hang sebab ada orang nak mai rumah." Abian bercerita. "Hang suruh sop temankan hang boleh tak?" Abian bertanya. "Sop tak boleh pasai dia kata, ada cikgu nak mai jumpa dia lepas tu, dia kena keluaq ada hal." Beritahu aku panjang lebar. "Ha kalau gitu tengoklah kalau lepas maghrib aku free, aku pi dengan hang." Abian berjanji. "Ok." Jawabku rengkas.

Aku menelefon Rosmadi untuk memaklumkan hal ini. Dan pada masa yang sama, cuaca gelap. Mungkinlah tak ada rezeki nak berjumpa dengan Rosmadi ni.

Sementara itu, Ayana, Rosmin dan Yusuf makan ketupat dengan rending lembu. Aku tak boleh makan lembu sebab aku ada alahan kulit. Jadi, aku tak makan.

Di computer Ayana, aku telah muat turun banyak lagu mp3. Semuanya aku simpan dalam folder mp3 dia. Entah lagu apa, aku pun tak tau.

Selepas maghrib Abian menelefonku dan memberitahuku yang dia memang tak boleh menemankan aku untuk ke rumah Rosmadi. Ha, memang tak ada rezekilah nak jumpa Rosmadi.

Lebih kurang jam lapan malam, kami semua sekali lagi ke kedai Ina untuk makan malam. Malam itu, aku makan kuih tiau goring.

Yang si Ayana ni pulak gatai pungkok. Dia pi tiru suara si genie tu pulak. Marah si Geenie tu.

Selepas makan kira-kira jam Sembilan suku malam, aku pun pulang ke tempat penginapanku. Aku terus saja mandi.

Beberapa minit kemudian Ee-teck telah menelefon aku untuk mengajak aku keluar makan pada jam sepuluh setengah nanti. Aku bersetuju jer.

Masa yang ditunggu sudah tiba, aku turun ke lobi hotel dan tunggu. Dan tidak lama kemudian, Ee-teck pun datang. Pada mulanya, dia cuba mencari kedai makan yang masih buka untuk makan. Tapi, banyak darinya yang dah tutup. Akhirnya kami makan Chee Cheong Fan saja yang terletak di hadapan Lido hotel.

Makan kat situ, memang gila. Hanya ada kerusi tapi tak ada meja. Kami terpaksa pegang pinggan tu untuk makan.

"Awak dah kahwinkah Khai Eong?" Ee-teck bertanya. "Belum lagi." Jawabku rengkas. Adalah banyak yang kami persembangkan.

Hujan rintik sudah turun. Dan kami pun bersurai. Aku terus pulang ke hotel. Jam duabelas setengah tengahmalam, aku pun tidur.

Ok, bersambung.

Lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian tiga

Ok, sekarang, aku akan sambung lagi cerita ini.

Rabu 26 Disember.

Pada hari itu, Yusuf telah datang seawal jam lapan setengah pagi. Aku pun memberitahu Paul Keong yang Yusuf telah datang. Lalu, aku pun turun.

Sebelum datang, dia telah menelefon aku supaya aku dapatlah menunggu di luar pintu Hotel Lido. Aku menunggu di luar pintu hotel selama lebih kurang sepuluh. Apabila Joseph datang, kami pun pergilah ke kedai Yusuf Ali sebab aku teringin nak makan roti bakar.

Di sana, aku telah memesan roti bakar sebanyak enam set. Enam set duabelas keping. Pada mulanya, pelayan gerai itu agak terkejut dan tergamam apabila aku memesan enam set roti bakar. Tetapi akhirnya, dia pergi ambil juga. Yusuf pula memesan dua set roti bakar. Aku menyuruh pelayan itu supaya membubuh roti bakar itu dengan mentega atau pun Planta.

Beberapa minit kemudian, pelayan itu pun datanglah. Maka, terhidanglah makanan yang kami pesan itu. Yusuf hanya memesan dua set roti bakar, tapi si pelayan dah bagi empat set. Ah belasah sajalah.

Sambil kami makan, kami pun mengungkitlah kisah-kisah lama di zaman persekolahan. Agak seronok juga kami bercerita.

Tiba-tiba, telefon Yusuf berbunyi. Aku tidak dapat menangkap butir-butir perbualan si Yusuf itu. Apabila talian diputuskan, Yusuf memberitahu bahawa Abian yang menelefon sebab ada masalah dengan Talks Solaindy.

Selepas kami makan dan membayar, kami pun berangkat ke MAB. Kami berjalan agak lama untuk sampai ke sana.

Sesampainya di sana, aku dan Yusuf pergi ke tandas. Selepas keluar dari tandas, Yusuf menunjukkan aku pentas MAB. Tapi hari itu, pintu dewan berkunci. Kemudian, kami menaiki lif ke tingkat atas. Selepas itu, terus ke perpustakaan.

Apabila sampai di perpustakaan Abian sedang sibuk mengklebek Talks di telefon Solaindy sebab entah mengapa, Talks itu dah expired.

Sedang Yusuf sibuk memproses Talks Solaindy, aku pula meminta kalendar dari petugas MAB. "Akak, dia nak kalendar." Abian memberitahu. Akak itu memberitahu bahawa, hanya kalendar inggeris saja yang tinggal. Bm dah habis. Ah, tak kisahlah tu.

Tidak lama kemudian, aku pun dapatlah kalendar itu. Sementara Yusuf pula sedang sibuk proses Talks si Solaindy yang dah expired tu. Dia pun dah mula pening kepala dah. Sebabnya, Talks tu asyik nak expired.

Akhirnya, telefon itu terpaksa juga dibawa balik ke rumah. Maklumlah, dia kena uninstall dan install balik Talks itu.

Semasa dalam perjalanan pulang, Solaindy pun berbuallah dengan kami. Macam-macam topik yang diperbualkan.

"Eh Solai, apa pasal you tak mau kahwin?" Yusuf bertanya. "Ala, tak ada oranglah." Jawabnya rengkas. "Ala, you pergi carilah." Yusuf membalas. "Mana saya mau cari?" Tanyanya rengkas. "Eh, you carilah." "Banyaklah." Jawab Yusuf rengkas.

Tidak lama kemudian, sampailah kami di rumah Yusuf. Kami pun masuk dan duduk. Sementara Yusuf pula, telah naik ke atas untuk re-install semula Talks Solaindy itu.

Lebih kurang duapuluh minit kemudian, siaplah Talks itu diinstall. Sebelum Solaindy balik, dia telah meminta Yusuf mengajarnya cara untuk menghantar sms dan beberapa lagi. Selepas itu, dia pun balik.

Selepas dia balik, aku pun mulalah memproses komputer si Ayana. "Wey pungkok, hang jangan dok proses tak tentu hala." "Satni, rosak komputer aku, hang jaga." Ayana memberi amaran.

Maka, aku pun mulalah mencuci komputer Ayana yang penuh dengan sampah-sarap itu. Aku pun uninstall google tool bar dan buanglah segala registory key dia. Dan kemudian, aku pun restart komputer itu.

Elok-elok lepas restart, komputer dia sudah menjadi sewel. Dia asyik nak restart saja. "Oi cop, hang mai tengok sat apa dah jadi." Beritahuku. "Ha tudia, aku dah kata dah, mesti rosak dah ni." Ayana beleter.

Maka Yusuf pun datang untuk merawat komputer Ayana yang sudah bermasalah tak boleh nak start itu.

"Ha tudia, dia asyik dok restart." "Ni pasai apa dah ni." "Hang ni aku dah kata dah jangan dok main, hang tak mau dengaq." "Hang ni pungkok betoilah." Leter Ayana. Maka dengan menggunakan mata si Ayana, Yusuf pun memperbaiki komputer Ayana. Aku memerhatikan dari tepi. Sebab, aku pun nak tau jugak apa yang berlaku sebenarnya.

Dan akhirnya, ianya berjaya diperbaiki juga. Jadi, aku pun meneruskan kerja aku tu. Dan selepas siap semua, aku pun mengaranglah cerita lawatan ke Kl bahagian kedua.

Sementara itu, si Ayana pula, asyik berchatting saja. Dia menggunakan laptopnya untuk berchatting.

"Adoi, aku ni, sakit kepala ni." "Awatlah yang sakit kepala sangat ni tak tau." Rungut Ayana.

Dia terus berchat tanpa memperdulikan sakit kepalanya itu. Amboi, sakit betoilah kepala aku." Rungutnya lagi.

"Bang!" "Oh bang!" "Ha," Yusuf menjawab. "Mai urut sat kepala ni ha." "Sakit betoilah." Pinta Ayana.

Tiba waktu petang, aku menerima panggilan dari Kak Rozi. Dia memberitahu bahawa, pada malam ini, dia akan datang membawa aku dan Yusuf pergi makan kat Kelang. Aku menunggu dengan penuh sabar.

Lebih kurang jam enam petang, aku dan Yusuf pun makan bihun sup yang dibeli tengahari tadi. Sambil kami makan, sambil kami berbual kisah-kisah masa silam. Sungguh sedap bihun sup itu.

Semasa makan, hujan rintik-rintik sedang turun.

Selepas makan, aku dan Yusuf serta Ayana pun mulalah bersiap-siap supaya nanti kak Rozi datang, tak kelam-kabut.

Hujan semakin lebat. Wah, ini parah punya kes. Lebih kurang jam tujuh setengah malam, aku menyuruh Yusuf membuka siaran tv3 sebab aku nak mendengar siri kartun Detective Conan.

Hujan sudah semakin lebat. Telefonku berdering. Kak Rozi sudah menelefon. Dia bertanya padaku macammana nak datang ke rumah si Yusuf ni. Maka, aku pun menyerahkan pada si Yusuf untuk menerangkan macammanakah kak Rozi hendak datang ke rumah Yusuf ni.

Selepas itu, telefon pun diserahkan padaku semula. Hujan pula, sudah semakin lebat. Aku pula mendengar tv. Aku dan Yusuf sampai tertidur dek kerana mendengar tv.

Lebih kurang jam sembilan malam, Buletin utama sudah pun habis. Maka, hujan juga sudah selesai turun.

Tidak lama kemudian, telefon berdering lagi. "Hello Tai, ini kak Anis." "Sekarang ni, kami dah sampai depan Kentucky, jadi, nak belok ke mana?" Kak Anis bertanya. "Ok kak, ini kawan saya, dia akan bercerita." Beritahuku lalu aku menyerahkan telefon kepada Yusuf.

Apabila Yusuf menunjukkan jalan ke rumahnya, maka tak lama kemudian, sampailah mereka ke rumah.

Maka, dapatlah kami kenal-mengenali antara satu sama lain.

Rupanya, kereta sudah tidak muat. Jadi, Ayana tak dapatlah nak pergi. Jadi sekarang, hanya aku dan yusuf sahajalah yang pergi makan kat Kelang.

"Tai, mari masuk," "amboi, handsome-nya you." Kak Rozi memuji. Aku tersipu-sipu malu gitu.

Kereta kak Rozi agak besar juga. Best naik kereta dia. Dia memandu agak laju jugak. Itu perkara biasalah bagi aku.

Kelihatan anak kak Rozi si Awin, begitu gembira di hari raya gitu. "Ok, nanti, kita akan pergi makan makanan Vietnam." "Akak ingat nak bawa ke tepi pantai, tapi hujan, jadi tak bolehlah." Terang kak Rozi panjang lebar.

"Hmm, tak apa kak." "Mana-mana pun boleh saja." Aku menjawab rengkas. "Tai pernah makan makanan Vietnam?" Kak Rozi bertanya. "Tak pernahlah kak." Jawabku. "Ha, kalau tak pernah, nanti kita pergi makan." Kak Rozi menjawab.

"Kak, dalam kereta ni, ada berapa orang kak?" Yusuf bertanya. "Dalam kereta ni, ada enam orang," "anak akak dah dua orang, kawan akak sorang iaitu kak Anis dan kamu dua orang." Jelas kak Rozi. "Oh." Yusuf menjawab.

"Yang duduk tepi tu Syzawan." Beritahu kak Rozi. "Tai, kawan Tai tu nama apa?" Kak Rozi bertanya padaku. "Oh, namanya Yusuf kak." Beritahuku. "Oh jadi sekarang Yusuf kerja apa?" Kak Rozi memulakan temuramahnya. "Saya ni, cikgu kak." Yusuf menjawab. "Oh, kat sekolah mana tu?" Kak Rozi bertanya lagi. "Di sekolah Bibi Kananda." Yusuf menjawab pendek. "Oh, mengajar apa di sana"? Kak Rozi menyoal lagi. "Mengajar bm." "Sekolah tu mejoritinya melayu." Terang Yusuf. "Oh gitu." Jawab kak Rozi rengkas.

"Abang abang," "abang sekarang darjah berapa?" Yusuf bersembang pula dengan Syazwan. "Darjah enam." Jawab Syazwan tersipu-sipu malu gitu. "Oh jadi abang akan ambik peperiksaan UPSR?" Yusuf bertanya lagi. "Dah ambik." Syazwan menjawab. "Oh dah ambik." "Keputusan macammana?" Soal Yusuf lagi. "Bolehlah." Sekali lagi Syazwan menjawab dengan tersipu-sipu malu gitu. "Eh, bagi taulah dapat berapa, jangan malu." Yusuf berkata. "Ha ya, tak payahlah malu." Sokongku.

"Abang, cuti sekolah abang buat apa?" Yusuf bertanya lagi. "Memancing." Jawab Syazwan. "Pergi memancing dengan ayah?" Yusuf menyoal lagi seperti seorang wartawan. "Ya." Syazwan menjawab rengkas.

Kelihatan Awin sedang bergembira di hari raya gitu. "Semalam tak boleh keluar hujan." "Si Awin ni sampai marah-marah." "Tadi pun dia dah mula nak marah sebab dia kata, ni mesti tak jadi keluar sebab hujan." Cerita kak Rozi dengan panjang lebar. Awin hanya ketawa mendengar cerita panjang dari kak Rozi.

"Yusuf tinggal dengan siapa sekarang." Kak rozi menyoal. "Saya tinggal dengan isteri saya." Jawab Yusuf. "Oh dah beristeri." Kata kak Rozi. "Ya." Jawab Yusuf pendek. "Anak dah berapa?" Kak Rozi menyoal lagi. "Anak sorang, tinggal kat kampung." Yusuf bercerita.

Tidak lama kemudian, sampailah kami di tempat yang dituju. Kami pun turunlah dari kereta. Kami dibawa ke kedai makan tersebut. Amboi, kelas gitu. Macam airport lah pulak. "Ok sekarang, kita dah berada di SACC atau pun Shah Alam City Centre." Cerita kak Rozi kepada aku dan Yusuf dengan panjang lebar.

Kami dibawa ke tempat duduk. Kemudian, datanglah pelayan. Oh wow! Cantik sungguh pelayan kat kedai makan itu. Yalah, tempat prestage.

Ada banyak juga makanan yang dipesan. Tapi aku dah lupa nama makanan tersebut. Semuanya masakan vietnam.

"Ok, kedai ni, dah pernah masuk rancangan Jalan-jalan cari makan." Kak Rozi memberitahu aku dan Yusuf. "Oh gitu." Aku menjawab rengkas.

Aku terdengar lagu nyanyian Anwar Zain. "Wah lagu Anwar Zain." Aku berkata. "Anwar Zain tu sebenarnya, kawan akak." "Dia tu pramugara dulu." "Dan Anwar Zain ni, pernah cium Awin masa Awin kecik-kecik dulu." Kak Rozi bercerita dengan panjang lebar. "Amy Mastura akak kenal tak?" Aku bertanya. "Oh, itu kawan akak." Jawab kak Rozi rengkas.

"Tai, kalau kak Anis nak belajar komputer dengan Tai, Tai boleh ajar tak?" Kak Anis bertanya. "Oi, boleh saja kak." Jawabku rengkas dan padat. "Tapi kak, kena ada skype, barulah senang sikit nak ajar." Terangku.

"Anis ni, Tai kena ajar dia start dari mula." Terang kak Rozi. "Tak apa, boleh saja kak." Jawabku rengkas. Ha aku ni, kalau perempuan boleh saja ha ha ha.

"Untuk pengetahuan, Anis ni lawa dan cantik tau." Kak Rozi bercerita. Anis hanya ketawa. Begitu juga dengan Awin.

Makanan pun sampai. Yang aku paling suka ialah pisang digoreng dengan udang. Bila makanan dah sampai, aku pun apa lagi, bila makanan dah ada dalam pinggan, belasah sajalah macam selalu. Aku tak cover line punyalah. Macam selalulah aku makan. Buat apa nak berlakon-berlakon? Buat macam biasa sudah. Itulah aku.

Wah! Sedap dan lazat sekali makanan pada malam itu. Dan yang paling best, makanan itu, tidak pernah aku makan. Jadi aku pun, makan sepuasnya. Aku juga minum air lai chee kang dua cawan besar.

Malam itu, aku makan dengan lahap sekali. Aku dan Yusuf makan dengan tangan sahaja. Tak kisahlah sebab dia kata boleh makan dengan tangan, jadi belasah sajalah apa peduli kan?

Kemudian, kami makan nasi dan kari ayam. "Tai taknak basuh tangankah?" Kak Rozi bertanya. "Tak payah kot kak." Aku menjawab. "Heh mana boleh tak payah, pergilah basuh tangan." Kata Kak Rozi. Aku ketawa dan pergi membasuh tangan dibawa oleh Syazwan. Begitu juga dengan Yusuf. Dan semasa nak balik ke meja makan, Awin pula yang bawa aku.

Seperti biasa, aku makanlah dengan lahap sekali. "Kak kak, saya tak makan carrot lah kak." Beritahuku. "Oh Tai tak makan carrot ya," "nanti akak keluarkan." Beritahu kak Rozi. Maka carrot pun dikeluarkan dari nasi itu.

Makanan terakhir ialah Jelly. Aku makan tak habis jelly tu sebab dah kenyang sangat.

Semasa makan itu, Yusuf telah menunjukkan telefon yang ada software Talks kepada kak Rozi sekeluarga dan kak Anis. Mereka semua sangat teruja dengan kecanggihan teknologi khas bagi orang-orang buta.

Selepas makan, kak Anis dan kak Rozi menghilang. Entah mana mereka pergi, kami tak tau. Masa itu, terasa nak ke tandas. Tapi rupanya, tandas berkuncilah pulak.

Kak Rozi bercadang untuk membawa kami menikmati kek yang paling terkenal. Tapi sayang, kedai tu dah tutup. Jadi kami dibawa pusing-pusing di sekitar SACC.

Selepas itu, kami menaiki kereta dan terus pulang ke Brickfields. Semasa dalam perjalanan, aku telah dapat menikmati konsert katak. Yalah, baru lepas hujan. Dan tingkap kereta dibuka sekejap.

Kami sampai pada lebih kurang jam sebelas suku. Sebelum mereka beredar, mereka mengucapkan selamat kepada kami.

Aku masuk ke rumah yusuf dan duduk sebentar. Dan jam sebelas setengah malam, Yusuf pun membawa aku pulang ke tempat penginapanku.

Oleh kerana sangat letih, aku tidur jam duabelas setengah tengahmalam.

Ok, bersambung.

Rabu, Disember 26, 2007

Lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian dua.

Ok, cerita ini bersambung lagi.

25 Disember.

Pada hari itu, aku ke rumah Ayana dan Yusuf. Sebelum pergi, aku dan Abian pergi bersarapan terlebih dahulu. kami bersarapan di sebuah gerai yang terletak berdekatan dengan Lido Hotel. Kami dibawa duduk di sebuah meja.

Di meja itu, seorang rakan buta iaitu E-teck rupanya sedang makan mi goreng. Jadi, aku pun pesanlah makanan. Aku makan sepinggan mi goreng dan juga nescafe O. Abian juga sama. Dan semasa makan itu, kami bersembanglah.

Selepas selesai makan, Abian makan pula kuih karipap sementara aku, dah tak makan dah. Maklumlah nak simpan untuk pergi makan di rumah Ayana tu nanti.

Selepas makan, kami pun, berangkatlah ke rumah Ayana. Kami berjalan kaki di pagi yang agak panas. Dan setelah kira-kira lima minit berjalan, maka sampailah kami di rumah Ayana.

"mari mari, ini gate tak kunci." Yusuf berkata Kami pun masuk dan duduklah di kerusi kusyen. kedengaran suara radio Sinar Fm. Rupanya, mereka sedang buka siaran sinar fm.

Sementara itu, Lin pula, sibuk membaca akhbar. Aku dan Abian duduk merehatkan diri sambil mendengar siaran Sinar Fm. Rupanya, si Zulkarnain pun ada sama.

Tidak lama kemudian, kedengaranlah orang datang. Rupanya, itu orang penghantar makanan sebab Ayana dan Yusuf pesankan makanan daripada mereka.

Sebelum suami-isteri itu pulang, Zul telah bertanya macammana nak ambik borang untuk jawatan kosong di RTM. Aku tak taulah butir-butir perbualan. Sebab aku asyik mendengar siaran Sinar FM.

Selepas berbual bicara, maka baliklah mereka. Dan tak lama kemudian, makanlah aku sepinggan bihun goreng. Kami makan tak duduk di meja. kami pegang mangkuk kat tangan dan makan. Tapi bihun goreng, pingganlah.

"Oi Ayana, aku nak tambah bolehkah?" Aku bertanya. "Hmm, leceh betoi budak ni." Abian berkata.

Sementara itu, Yusuf menelefon Rosmin. "Oi, hang buat apa?" "Ni Khai Eong dah mai, dia tunggu hang." "Ok ok." Itulah butir-butir percakapan Yusuf. Talian diputuskan.

Tidak lama kemudian, Rosmin pun tiba. Maka berbuallah kami dengan riuh-rendah seolah-olah itu rumah kami. Wah best o! Kami mengungkit kisah-kisah lama semasa di sekolah dahulu.

Selepas makan bihun goreng dua pinggan, aku makan pula roti jala. Ha, roti jala ni, aku makan sepinggan sahaja sebab aku takut kuah tertumpah ke lantai.

"Hang nak tau dak Khai Eong, orang cited ni kadang dia kalau guna komputer kita orang buta ni, dia tak boleh tulis o." Yusuf bercerita. "Ha yalah, sebab forn jaws tu." Aku menyokong. "Ha tulah." Yusuf menyampuk.

"Eh Yusuf, Yusuf, kenapa akak tak boleh nak tulis ha kat komputer ni." Tiba Lin pula bertanya. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, baru kami dok cakap tadi," "akak dah kena." Sambil tergelak Yusuf berkata. "Manalah aku tahu." Jawab Lin selamba.

Selepas semua kerja dibereskan, Lin pun berangkat pulang sebab dia ada jemputan katanya. Jemputan apa tu, tak tau o aku.

Tidak lama kemudian, datanglah si ayam dan isterinya serta anak mereka iaitu Rifky. Wah, sudah tentu anak mereka dah agak besar sikit. Bila mereka masuk, mereka pun duduklah di kerusi kusyen yang tersedia. Mereka makan bihun goreng dan juga roti jala.

"Wey Ayana aku nak tanya sat." "Ada aiskrim dak?" Aku bertanya. "La hang ni, budak-budak tak mintak aiskrim, yang hang ni dah tua bangka nak mintak aiskrim pulak ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." Kata Rosmin sambil tergelak. "Ha, aku tanya jer." Aku menjawab ringkas.

Sementara itu, anak cik ayam sibuk bermain bola. Dia begitu lasak sekali. Ayana dan Zul takutlah nanti bola tu terkena makanan.

Aku menelefon kak Rosnah. "Tak taulah abang Syarif pergi ambil daging korban." "Tengoklah kalau cuaca elok, nanti akak pergilah." Beritahu kak Rosnah. "Hmm ok lah kak." Aku berkata ringkas.

Suasana di rumah Yusuf begitu riuh sekali dengan suara aku dan Rosmin yang terkuat. Dah macam pasar borong Selayang dah.

"Wey Yana, aku nak tambah bolehkah?" Aku berkata. "Ish ish hang nilah, leceh betoi." Abian berkata.

Aku menelefon kak Rosnah sekali lagi. Rupanya, abang Syarif masih belum pulang. Hmm tak apalah aku berkata. Kami terus makan dan bising.

Aku meminta air dari Ayana. "Wey Ayana, pasai apa air hang ni tak sejuk." Aku bertanya. "Ish budak ni, leceh betoilah dia ni.

Menjelang jam dua petang, Rosmin dan rakan-rakan mendengar siaran Astro Prima yang pada ketika itu, menayangkan filem P. Ramlee, Ibu Mertuaku. Aku pula, mengambil kesempatan untuk mengarang cerita lawatan ke Kl bahagian satu dengan menggunakan komputer Ayana untuk dihantar ke blogku dan komuniti.

Setelah aku berpenat-lelah menulis, semasa aku hendak add cerita itu ke blog, komputer dia hang pulak dah. Jadi, ini telah membuang masa aku saja menulis dengan agak panjang.

Menjelang jam empat petang, filem P. Ramlee dah habis. Tv ditutup dan Rosmin dan Zul dah nak pulang. Sementara kak Rosnah pula dah memang tak datang dah.

Tidak lama kemudian, hujan pun menurunkan diri mereka dengan begitu lebat sekali. Dan aku pula, sibuk mencuci komputer si Ayana ni. Amboi, dia punya desktop, sampai 56 items. Amboi, hebat betoi dia.

"Kasut sapa kat luaq tu?" "Sebelah hitam, sebelah biru." Kakak Ayana bertanya. "Ha, takkan kasut aku kot." Yusuf bertanya. Dia pun menelefon Abian.

"Bian, cuba hang check tengok, kasut yang engkau pakai masa nak blik tadi, ada sebelah warna lain, sebelah warna lain tak." Yusuf berkata. Kemudian talian diputuskan.

Tidak lama kemudian, telefon Yusuf berbunyi. Rupanya memang ya Abian dah tertukar kasut.

Lebih kurang jam enam petang, aku menerima satu panggilan. "Hello Khai Eong," kedengaran satu suara menyapa. "Oh kak Rozi." Aku menjawab. "Malam ni akak datang ambil jam lapan ya"? Beritahu kak Rozi. "Ok, bila akak sampai di Kl Central nanti, akak beritahu atau call saya ya"? Aku berpesan. "Ok." Jawab kak Rozi rengkas.

Jam tujuh malam, aku sekali lagi menuliskan cerita bahagian satu perjalanan ke Kl. Dan kali ini, ianya berjaya update. Jadi, taklah membuang masa aku sekali lagi.

Lebih kurang jam tujuh setengah malam, aku mendengar siri kartun di tv3. Sepuluh minit kemudian, telefon aku berdering lagi. "Khai Eong, mummy kata lambat sikit boleh?" Kedengaran satu suara lembut bertanya. "Ha aa Reena boleh tak apa." Jawabku rengkas. "Ok bye." Reena berkata. "Bye." Aku membalas.

Sementara itu, aku terus mendengar siri kartun di tv3 sehinggalah menjelang jam lapan malam di mana ada siaran Buletin utama.

Beberapa minit kemudian, kak Rozi sekali lagi menelefon aku. "Khai Eong, rasanya, tak bolehlah malam ni sebab di Kelang, dah hujan terlampau lebat sangat." Kak Rozi menerangkan padaku situasi yang berlaku di Kelang dengan panjang lebar. "Ha tak apalah kak, kalau tak boleh, memang tak ada rezekilah." Aku membalas.

"Sebenarnya, ada kawan akak nak ikut." "Tapi amboi, hujan terlampau lebat sangat sampai akak tak boleh nak bawa kereta ni." Kak Rozi memberikan penerangannya.

"Jadi, malam esok boleh?" Kak Rozi bertanya. "Oh, boleh saja." Aku berkata. "Ha, cuba you dengar tu, hujan dah lebat sangat." "Si Reena pun dah up sad." "Nanti awak pujuk dia ya." Kata kak Rozi. "Oh gitu ya?" "Ha ok." Aku menjawab. Talian diputuskan.

Jadi pada malam itu, tak jadilah aku, Yusuf dan Ayana nak ke tepi laut di Kelang untuk makan makanan laut.

Bila rancangan sudah terbatal, aku dan Yusuf pun keluarlah makan di Kedai Ina bersama-sama dengan Zul dan Abian. Abian menukarkan semula seliparnya yang dia tersilap pakai semasa nak balik petang tadi.

Untuk kepastian, Zul meminta pelayan kedai Gini untuk melihat sekejap kasut yang dipakai oleh si Abian. "Gini gini, mari kejap." "Cuba tengok kejap kasut yang sebelah ni warna apa?" Pinta Zul. "Biru." Gini menjawab. "Yang sebelah lagi?" Zul bertanya. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," Gini ketawa. "kenapa macamgini ni?" "Sebelah lagi hitam."

Selepas mendapat kepastian, kasut pun ditukar kembali.

Kami bersurai pada kira-kira jam 10:45 minit malam. Selepas aku balik ke bilik hotel, aku terus mandi, kemudian cas bateri dan aku buka siaran sinar fm. Aku tidur kira-kira jam 12:30 tengahari.

Selasa, Disember 25, 2007

Lawatan ke Kuala Lumpur bahagian satu

Ok, sekarang, aku akan bercerita tentang perjalanan ke Kl.
Isnin 24 Disember. Aku dan Paul Keong telah bertolak ke stesen bas di Sungai Nibung pada jam sepuluh pagi. Kami menaiki bas jam sepuluh setengah pagi. Sesampainya kami di stesen bas, kami terus dibawa ke bas itu. Kami duduk di hadapan iaitu selang sebaris dengan pemandu. Di hadapan kami ialah orang asing dari Burma.
Jam 10:45 pagi, bas memulakan perjalanannya ke Kl. Semasa bas berjalan, aku dan Paul Keong rancak bersembang. Suasana juga agak hingar-bingar. Sementara itu, pemandu bas itu memasang siaran Sinar FM.
Lebih kurang sejam selepas perjalanan, kedengaran penumpang di hadapan iaitu orang burma telah bertanya pada pemandu mana nak berhenti. Sebabnya, mereka nak ke tandas. Pemandu itu memberitahu bahawa, mereka akan berhenti di Sungai Perak.
Lebih kurang jam duabelas tengahari, bas telah berhenti di Sungai Perak. Apabila berhenti, maka turunlah semua penumpang bas itu. Aku tidak bercadang untuk turun sebab aku tau kalau turun pun, tak ada yang bantu.
Paul Keong hendak turun juga sebab dia nak ke tandas. Maka, turunlah dia. Kini, semua penumpang sudah pun turun. Aku dok sorang dalam bas sambil melayan fikiranku.
Tidak berapa lama kemudian, kedengaran bunyi ketukan tongkat. Ya, itu aku tahu, itu adalah Paul Keong. Ketukan tongkat itu semakin kuat. Dan akhirnya, dia naik ke bas.
Tidak berapa lama kemudian, para penumpang itu pun menaiki bas. Dan kemudian, bas pun memulakan perjalanannya semula. Kini aku dan Paul Keong sembang lagi. Dan tidak lama kemudian, kami terlena seketika.
Lebih kurang jam 3:45 minit petang, maka sampailah kami di Kl. Kami turun di Jalan Duta. Apabila turun, pemandu itu membawa kami ke perhentian teksi. Pemandu bas itu memberitahu kami yang kami harus membeli kupon untuk menaiki teksi.
Aku dan Paul Keong pun beraturlah untuk membeli kupon teksi. Orang agak ramai juga. Dan akhirnya, tibalah giliran kami untuk membeli kupon teksi itu. Kami membeli kupon teksi untuk ke Brickfields. Harganya RM 12. Wah agak mahal juga. Tapi tak apalah, setahun sekali.
Setelah membeli kupon itu, kami pun menaiki sebuah teksi yang dipandu oleh seorang pemandu india. Semasa dalam perjalanan, telefon bimbit Paul Keong telah kehabisan bateri. Telefon aku pula, telah kehabisan bateri sejak awal-awal lagi. Dan nampaknya, kenalah cas bateri bila sampai ke hotel nanti.
Tidak berapa lama kemudian, sampailah kami ke tempat penginapan kami iaitu Lido Hotel. Kami pun terus check in. "Ha, saya ada buat booking hotel kat sini pada Isnin minggu lalu." "Selama lima malam." Beritahu Paul Keong dengan panjang lebar dalam bahasa melayu.
Pemilik hotel meminta kad pengenalan beliau. Setelah diteliti kad pengenalan itu, dia terus bercakap cantoneese dengan Paul Keong. Aku haram tak faham sepatah pun apa yang dicakapkan.
Kami kena bayar RM 325 untuk lima malam. Jadi, aku keluarkan RM 162 sementara Paul Keong, bayar RM 163.
Setelah semua proses selesai, maka kami di bawa ke bilik kami di bilik 108 di tingkat satu. Dan setelah meletakkan beg kami, kami pun pergi makan.
Serentah itu juga, hujan ribut telah turun. Kami tak kisahlah, terus pergi makan jugak.
Setelah makan, kami balik semula ke bilik dan caslah bateri. Apabila cas bateri, maka terpaksalah cabut plug tv. Jadi, tak dapatlah nak mendengar tv.
Lebih kurang jam tujuh malam, cas bateri selesai. Maka aku dan Paul Keong pun panggillah kawan-kawan kami. Orang yang pertama memanggil aku ialah Ayana. "Oi pungkoq, pasai apa yang hang tak on handphone?" "Aku call hang tak dapat-dapat." Ayana bersyarah panjang-lebar. "Apa nak buat, bateri dah habis." Beritahu aku.
Ayana memberitahuku yang mereka dah sampai ke lobi hotel. Maka, turunlah aku ke lobi hotel. Dan, masa nak turun itu, aku telah tersesat.
Semasa mencari-cari tangga itu, Ayana dan rakan-rakan telah naik ke atas. Tidak lama kemudian, aku telah menjumpai tangga dan terus turun. Apabila sampai ke lobi, sekali lagi Ayana menelefon aku. "Wey, mana hang pi?" Ayana bertanya. "Aku dok kat lobi." Aku menjawab rengkas. "Pungkok betoilah hang, kami dah naik atas dah, tak pa kami turun." Beritahu Ayana.
Setelah itu, terpaksa pula kami menunggu si Lin. Kami menunggu di kaki lima lido. Kami ada empat orang iaitu Yusuf dan isterinya Ayana, Abian dan Zulkarnain.
Lin pula sibuk menelefon si Ayana. Entah apalah yang dicakapkan, aku tak ambik kisah. Yang penting sekarang ialah, makan.
Dan, tidak lama kemudian, sampailah si Lin. Maka, kami pun pergilah ke kedai Ina untuk makan.
Di situ, aku makan nasi goreng dengan ayam Merah. Abian makan nasi goreng kampung. Ayana juga makan nasi goreng merah. Zul dan Lin pula, aku dah lupalah.
Setelah makan, Abian sempat juga tapau sebungkus mi goreng untuk teman serumahnya Kanang.
Lebih kurang jam sepuluh setengah malam, kami pun baliklah. Aku sampai di bilik jam 10:35 malam. Kemudian, mandi, dengar berita dunia kat tv1, Parlimen hari ini dan mendengar radio 24. Aku tidur jam satu pagi.
Ok, bersambung.

Selasa, Disember 18, 2007

Senator Oku pertama di Malaysia

Pada hari ini, Selasa, 18 Disember 2007, bertempat di Dewan Negara, Bangunan Parlimen, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, telah tercatat suatu sejarah yang tak mungkin
dapat dilupakan oleh semua orang kurang (kelainan) upaya di Malaysia. Loceng yang dibunyikan menandakan bermulanya sesi parlimen hari ini di Dewan Negara
tepat jam 10:00 pagi membuka tirai catatan sejarah tersebut.

Sebaik sahaja Tuan Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara masuk dan mengambil tempat, doa pun dibaca oleh tuan setiausaha dalam keadaan semua yang berada di dewan yang
mulia itu berdiri sambil mengaminkan.

Setelah selesai doa dibaca dan semua duduk, agenda pertama untuk sesi parlimen hari ini, iaitu angkat sumpah tiga orang senator yang baru dilantik, terus

Dua orang senator baru telah selesai mengangkat sumpah taat setia kepada kerajaan dan negara serta berjanji untuk mempertahankan perlembagaan Malaysia.
Kini tinggal seorang senator lagi yang bakal melafaz ikrar dan sumpah taat setia beliau.

Akhirnya, masa yang ditunggu-tunggu pun tiba. Tuan setiausaha mengumumkan nama senator ketiga yang dilantik untuk berkhidmat selama tiga tahun (maksimum)
-- Profesor Datuk Dr. Ismail Md Salleh! Seorang kurang upaya penglihatan yang sudah terkenal sejak lebih dua dekad yang lalu, Prof. Datuk nampaknya telah
ditimpa tuah yang diiringi oleh tanggungjawab yang amat besar.

Prof. Datuk Dr. Ismail, dengan segala susah-payah dan sedaya-upayanya, melafazkan sumpah dan ikrar taat setia beliau. Dengan tangan kanan yang biasa digunakan
untuk membaca braille diangkat separas bahu, tapak tangan dihalakan ke depan, layaknya seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang yang berikrar, tangan kirinya
pula merayap-rayap membaca teks sumpah dan ikrar dalam tulisan braille, tersekat-sekat tetapi dengan penuh keharuan dan semangat yang berkobar-kobar, lafaz
sumpah dan ikrar taat setia tersebut dilafazkan.

Lafaz sumpah dan ikrar taat setia seorang pemimpin dari kalangan orang kurang upaya akhirnya berkumandang juga di dewan tertinggi di parlimen negara ini.
Terkabul juga keinginan dan cita-cita seluruh rakyat kurang upaya Malaysia untuk melihat ada di kalangan mereka yang diberi peluang untuk berkumpul bersama-sama
para pemimpin lain dalam sebuah dewan yang mulia. Oh tuhan, tak tahu rasanya bagaimana caranya untuk kami mengucap dan menunjukkan rasa syukur kami di
atas kurniamu yang terlalu besar ertinya buat komuniti OKU di Malaysia ini ...

Selesai sahaja sumpah dan ikrar dilafazkan, maka terdengarlah bunyi banyak sekali kamera dipetik berkali-kali, bagaikan semua wartawan dan sesiapa sahaja
yang ada di situ tidak mahu melepaskan peluang mengambil gambar senator kurang upaya pertama di Malaysia ini sepuas-puasnya, disusuli tepukan gemuruh para
senator di dewan yang mulia itu. Tidak terlalu berlebihan jika saya katakan bahawa di antara ketiga-tiga senator yang dilantik, "senator buta" pertama
negara ini mendapat tepukan paling gemuruh dari para ahli Dewan Negara.

Orang-orang kurang upaya di negara ini mempunyai harapan dan cita-cita yang tinggi untuk melihat nasib mereka lebih terbela. Harapan dan cita-cita yang
sudah sekian lama berputik itu akhirnya berbunga juga dengan perlantikan bersejarah ini. Dengan penerimaan watikah perlantikan ini, maka Prof. Datuk telah
memberi isyarat supaya kita semua melangkah maju ke hadapan kerana perjuangan baru secara besar-besaran dan bermati-matian telah bermula.

Setinggi-tinggi syabas dan tahniah diucapkan kepada Senator Profesor Datuk Dr. Ismail Md Salleh, "hero" orang kurang upaya Malaysia kerana usaha gigih yang
tidak mengenal jemu serta kebijaksanaan beliau dalam pelbagai hal telah membawanya ke puncak kecemerlangan dan kegemilangan. Marilah kita sama-sama berikan
sokongan yang padu dengan penuh semangat dan kesyukuran, agar segala cita-cita orang kurang upaya yang murni akan tercapai jua akhirnya.

Secara peribadi, sokongan saya telah saya berikan sekian lama. Tetapi, kerusi barisan paling belakang dalam Dewan Negara yang saya duduki sebentar tadi,
kalau bisa berbicara, akan menjadi saksi bahawa sokongan saya mulai hari ini terhadap perjuangan orang-orang kurang upaya yang arif lagi bijaksana di Malaysia
ini untuk keamanan, keharmonian, kemajuan, kecemerlangan dan kegemilangan kita bersama sudah terpateri kukuh, takkan dapat tergoyahkan lagi.

Hanya satu pendirian saya yang menjadi bekalan dalam perjuangan ini: tidak ada kenderaan yang mampu bergerak tanpa alat dan tenaga secukupnya yang membantu
ia bergerak. Takkan mampu sebuah enjin menggerakkan sebuah kereta dengan lancar dan selamat kalau kenderaan itu tidak dipasang rodanya yang sentiasa berada
dalam keadaan baik.


Sekian, terima kasih.



Sabtu, Disember 15, 2007

Pantun merisik

Dipetik dari senarai e-mail.

Pantun Merisik

Sudah lama kami ke tasik,
Tali perahu terap belaka.
Sudah lama kami merisik,
Baru kini bertemu muka.

Sudah lama langsatnya condong,
Dahannya rebah ke ampaian.
Sudah lama niat dikandung,
Baru sekarang disampaikan.

Tinggi-tinggi si matahari,
Anak kerbau mati tertambat.
Sekian lama kami mencari,
Baru sekarang kami mendapat.

Raja Hindu raja di Sailan,
Singgah berenang di persiraman.
Bagai pungguk rindukan bulan,
Kumbang merindu bunga di taman.

Cenderawasih burung yang sakti,
Singgah hinggap diatas karang.
Kasih berputik didalam hati,
Dari dahulu sampai sekarang.

Singgah berenang di persiraman,
Mayang terdedah didalam tasik.
Kumbang merindu bunga di taman,
Bintang merindu cenderawasih.

Pantun memilih pasangan.

Dipetik dari senarai e-mail.

Orang jawa berkain batik,
Batik bercorak bunga kemboja,
Apalah yang di pandang pada yang cantik,
Jika cantik zahirnya saja.

Sutera datang dari Cina,
dibuat pakaian tentu selesa,
Biar di mata dipandang hina,
Asalkan indah budi bahasa.

Gadis manis memetik kenangga,
Kenangga hiasan di hari raya,
Jikalau menurut perintah agama,
Perangai elok pekerti mulia.

Jumaat, Disember 14, 2007


1. Short title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. National Council for Persons with Disabilities
4. Alternate members
5. Revocation of appointment
6. Cessation of membership
7. Meetings of Council
8. Secretary to the Council
9. Functions of the Council
10. Council to be assisted by the Department
11. Establishment of committees
12. Delegation of functions and powers
13. Council to recommend changes to law
14. Responsibility of the Government
15. Responsibility of relevant ministries, etc.
16. Responsibility of the private sector and non-governmental organization
17. Follow up
18. Funds
19. Annual reports

2 Bill
20. Appointment and duties of Registrar General and Registrar
21. Register of Persons with Disabilities
22. Application for registration
23. Power of Registrar to call for additional document or information
24. Registration and refusal to register
25. Issuance of "Kad OKU"
Chapter I
26. Access to public facilities, amenities and services and buildings
27. Access to public transport facilities
28. Access to education
29. Access to employment
30. Access to information, communication and technology
31. Access to cultural life
32. Access to recreation, leisure and sport
Chapter 2
Habilitation and rehabilitation
33. Habilitation and rehabilitation
34. In-home, residential and other community support services
Chapter 3
35. Access to health

Persons with Disabilities
36. Prevention of further occurrence of disabilities
37. Availability of health personnel
Chapter 4
Protection of persons with severe disabilities
38. Lifelong protection and social system
39. Meaning of "persons with severe disabilities"
Chapter 5
Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
40. Access to assistance
41. Protection against suit and legal proceedings
42. Public Authorities Protection Act 1948
43. Power to make regulations
44. Things done in anticipation of the enactment of this Act
45. Savings and transitional
46. Prevention of anomalies


i n t i t u l e d
An Act to provide for the registration, protection, rehabilitation,
development and wellbeing of persons with disabilities, the
establishment of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities,
and for matters connected therewith.
RECOGNIZING that disability is an evolving concept and
that disability results from the interaction between persons with
disabilities and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders
their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis
with persons without disabilities:
RECOGNIZING the valued existing and potential contributions
made by persons with disabilities to the overall wellbeing and
diversity of the community and society:
RECOGNIZING the importance of accessibility to the physical,
social, economic and cultural environment, to health and education
and to information and communication, in enabling persons with
disabilities to fully and effectively participate in society:
RECOGNIZING that persons with disabilities are entitled to equal
opportunity and protection and assistance in all circumstances and
subject only to such limitations, restrictions and the protection
of rights as provided by the Federal Constitution:
RECOGNIZING the importance of the co-operation between
the Government and the private sector and non-governmental
organization in ensuring the full and effective participation and
inclusion of persons with disabilities in society

6 Bill
NOW, THEREFORE, ENACTED by the Parliament of Malaysia
as follows:
Short title and commencement
1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Persons with Disabilities Act
(2) This Act comes into operation on a date to be appointed by
the Minister by notification in the Gazette, and the Minister may
appoint different dates for the coming into operation of different
provisions of this Act.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-
"language" includes spoken and sign languages, Malaysia Sign
Language and other forms of non-spoken languages;
"Malaysia Sign Language" means the official sign language
for the deaf in Malaysia;
"Register" means the Register of Persons with Disabilities kept
and maintained under section 21;
"prescribed" means prescribed by regulations made under this
"habilitation" refers to a process aimed at enabling persons
who are born with disabilities to attain and maintain their full
physical, mental, social and vocational ability and full inclusion
and participation in all aspects of life;
"Department" means the Department for the Development
of Persons with Disabilities responsible for the registration,
protection, rehabilitation, development and wellbeing of persons
with disabilities;

Persons with Disabilities
"Kad OKU" means the card issued under section 25;
"Government" means the Federal Government;
"Registrar General" and "Deputy Registrar General" means
the Registrar General for Persons with Disabilities and Deputy
Registrar General for Persons with Disabilities respectively
appointed under paragraphs 20(1)(a) and (b);
"communication" includes languages, display of text, Braille,
tactile communication, large print, signal, accessible multimedia
as well as written, audio, plain-language, human-reader and
augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of
communication, including accessible information and communication
"Council" means the National Council for Persons with
Disabilities established under section 3;
"Minister" means the Minister charged with the responsibility
for social welfare;
"persons with disabilities" include those who have long term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in
interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective
participation in society;
"Social Welfare Officer" means any Social Welfare Officer
in the Ministry responsible for social welfare and includes any
Assistant Social Welfare Officer;
"Registrar" means the Registrar for Persons with Disabilities
appointed under paragraph 20(1)(c);
"private healthcare service provider" means the provider of a
private healthcare facility under the Private Healthcare Facilities
and Services Act 1998 [Act 586];
"reasonable accommodation" means necessary and appropriate
modifications and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or
undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to
persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise of the quality
of life and wellbeing on an equal basis with persons without

8 Bill
"rehabilitation" refers to a process aimed at enabling persons
with disabilities to attain and maintain their full physical, mental,
social and vocational ability and full inclusion and participation
in all aspects of life;
"universal design" means the design of products, environments,
programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest
extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized
design and shall include assistive devices for particular groups
of persons with disabilities where this is needed;
"private sector" refers to any person or body whether corporate
or unincorporate other than the Government or State Government,
agencies, bodies or organization of the Governments, but excludes
any reference to non-governmental organization.
National Council for Persons with Disabilities
3. (1) A body to be known as National Council for Persons with
Disabilities shall be established for the purpose of this Act.
(2) The Council shall consist of the following members:
(a) the Minister who shall be the Chairman;
(b) the Secretary General of the Ministry responsible for
social welfare, who shall be the Deputy Chairman;
(c) the Attorney General of Malaysia, or his representative;
(d) the Secretary General of the Ministry responsible for
(e) the Secretary General of the Ministry responsible for
(f) the Secretary General of the Ministry responsible for
human resources;
(g) the Director General of Education;
(h) the Director General of Health;

Persons with Disabilities
(i) the Chairman of the Commercial Vehicle Licensing
(j) not more than ten persons having appropriate experience,
knowledge and expertise in problems and issues relating
to persons with disabilities to be appointed by the
(3) The members of the Council appointed under subsection (2)
may be paid such allowances as the Minister may determine.
(4) A member of the Council appointed under paragraph (2)(j),
unless he sooner resigns or vacates his office or his appointment
is sooner revoked, shall hold office for a term not exceeding two
years and is eligible for reappointment for a term not exceeding
two consecutive terms.
Alternate members
4. (1) The Minister may appoint a person to be an alternate
member in respect of each member appointed under paragraphs
3(2)(d),(e) and (f) to attend, in place of that member, meetings of
the Council if that member is for any reason unable to attend.
(2) When attending meetings of the Council, an alternate
member shall for all purposes be deemed to be a member of the
(3) An alternate member shall, unless he sooner resigns his
membership or his appointment is sooner revoked, cease to be
an alternate member when the member in respect of whom he is
an alternate member ceases to be a member of the Council.
Revocation of appointment
5. The Minister shall revoke the appointment of a member of
the Council appointed under paragraph 3(2)(j)-
(a) if his conduct, whether in connection with his duties as
a member of the Council or otherwise, has been such
as to bring discredit on the Council;

10 Bill
(b) if there has been proved against him, or he has been
convicted on, a charge in respect of-
(i) an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral
(ii) an offence under a law relating to corruption; or
(iii) any other offence punishable with imprisonment;
(c) if he becomes a bankrupt; or
(d) if he becomes of unsound mind or is otherwise incapable
of discharging his duties.
Cessation of membership
6. A member of the Council appointed under paragraph 3(2)(j)
shall cease to be a member-
(a) if he is absent from three consecutive meetings of the
Council without leave of the Chairman;
(b) if his appointment is revoked;
(c) if he dies; or
(d) if he resigns his office by giving one month notice in
writing to the Minister.
Meetings of Council
7. (1) The Council shall meet at least three times a year for
the performance of its functions at such time and place as the
Chairman may determine.
(2) Eleven members shall form the quorum of a meeting of
the Council.
(3) The Chairman shall preside over all its meetings.
(4) If the Chairman is unable for any reason to preside any
meeting of the Council, the meeting shall be presided by the
Deputy Chairman.

Persons with Disabilities
(5) The Council may invite any person to attend any meeting
or deliberation of the Council for the purpose of advising it on
any matter under discussion, but that person shall not be entitled
to vote at the meeting.
(6) At any meeting of the Council, the Chairman shall have a
deliberative vote and shall, in the event of an equality of votes,
have a casting vote.
(7) Any person invited under subsection (5) may be paid such
allowance as the Minister may determine.
(8) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Council may make
regulations for regulating its meetings and proceedings.
Secretary to the Council
8. The Director General of Social Welfare shall be the Secretary
to the Council.
Functions of the Council
9. (1) The functions of the Council shall be as follows:
(a) to oversee the implementation of the national policy
and national plan of action relating to persons with
(b) to make recommendations to the Government on all aspects
of persons with disabilities including matters relating to
the support, care, protection, rehabilitation, development
and wellbeing of persons with disabilities;
(c) to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the
national policy and national plan of action relating
to persons with disabilities with relevant ministries,
government agencies, bodies or organizations and the
private sector;
(d) to monitor and evaluate the impact of policies, programmes
and activities designed to achieve full and effective
participation of persons with disabilities and in doing so
may enter into such arrangement with relevant ministries,
government agencies, bodies or organizations and the
private sector as it deems necessary;

12 Bill
(e) to review the activities of all ministries, government
agencies, bodies or organizations and the private sector
that are involved in the implementation of the national
policy and national plan of action relating to persons
with disabilities;
(f) to recommend to the Government changes to the existing
law as well as to propose new law in order to secure
full and effective participation in society of persons with
disabilities, including to facilitate accessibility;
(g) to develop programmes and strategies aiming at educating
the society and to raise awareness throughout society,
including at the family level, regarding persons with
disabilities including their capabilities and contributions
in order to promote positive perception and greater social
awareness and to foster respect for the rights and dignity
towards persons with disabilities;
(h) to adopt effective and appropriate measures to promote
recognition of the skills, merits and abilities of persons
with disabilities, and of their contributions to the workplace
and the labour market;
(i) to foster at all levels of the education system, including
in all children from an early age, an attitude of respect
for the rights of persons with disabilities;
(j) to advise the Government on the issues of disabilities
including developments at the international level;
(k) to collect and collate data and information, and undertake and
promote research relating to persons with disabilities;
(l) to promote the development of initial and continuing
training for professionals and staff working in habilitation
and rehabilitation services;
(m) to promote employment opportunities and career advancement
for persons with disabilities in the labour market, as
well as assistance in finding or obtaining employment
on equal basis with persons without disabilities; and
(n) to perform any other functions as directed by the Minister
for the proper implementation of this Act.

Persons with Disabilities
(3) The Council shall have all such powers as may be necessary
for, or in connection with, or incidental to, the performance of
its functions under this Act.
Council to be assisted by the Department
10. The Council shall be assisted by the Department in the
performance of its functions and the exercise of its powers under
this Act.
Establishment of committees
11. (1) The Council may establish such committees as it deems
necessary or expedient to assist it in the performance of its
functions and the exercise of its powers under this Act.
(2) A committee established under subsection (1)-
(a) shall be chaired by any member of the Council specified
under paragraphs 3(2)(b) to (i);
(b) shall conform to and act in accordance with any direction
given to it by the Council; and
(c) may determine its own procedure.
(3) Members of the committees established under subsection
(1) may be appointed from amongst members of the Council orsuch other persons as the Council thinks fit.
(4) Except for members of the committee appointed from
amongst members of the Council, any other persons appointed
as members of the committees may be paid such allowance as
the Minister may determine.
(5) A member of a committee shall hold office for such a term
as may be specified in his letter of appointment and is eligible
for reappointment.
(6) The Council may revoke the appointment of any member of
a committee without assigning any reason for the revocation.

14 Bill
(7) A member of a committee may, at any time, resign by
giving notice in writing to the chairman of the committee.
(8) The Council may, at any time, discontinue or alter the
constitution of a committee.
(9) A committee shall hold its meetings at such times and
places as the chairman of the committee may determine.
(10) A committee may invite any person to attend any meeting
of the committee for the purpose of advising it on any matter
under discussion but that person shall not be entitled to vote at
the meeting.
(11) Any person invited under subsection (10) may be paid
such allowance as the Minister may determine.
Delegation of functions and powers
12. (1) The Council may, subject to such conditions, limitations or
restrictions as it deems fit to impose, delegate any of its functions
and powers, except the power to make regulations under section
43, to-
(a) the Chairman of the Council;
(b) any member of the Council appointed under paragraph
3(2)(b) to (i); and
(c) a committee established under section 11.
(2) Any person or committee delegated with such functions
and powers shall conform and have regard to all conditions
and restrictions imposed by the Council and all requirements,
procedures and matters specified by the Council.
(3) Any function or power delegated under this section shall
be performed and exercised in the name and on behalf of the
(4) The delegation under this section shall not preclude the
Council itself from performing or exercising at any time any of
the delegated functions and powers.

Persons with Disabilities
Council to recommend changes to law
13. (1) In performing its functions under this Act, it shall be the
responsibility of the Council to recommend to the Government
changes required to be made to any law or to propose the
provision of new law in order to secure full and effective
participation in society of persons with disabilities, including to
facilitate accessibility or any other matter as it deems necessary
or expedient.
(2) For the purposes of making any recommendation under
subsection (1), the Council-
(a) shall consult the relevant ministries, government agencies,
bodies or organizations; or
(b) may consult the private sector or any non-governmental
organization as it deems necessary or expedient to do
(3) In formulating its recommendation or proposal under subsection
(1), the Council shall have regard to such policies, information
and other considerations received during the consultation pursuant
to subsection (2) that appear to it to be relevant.
Responsibility of the Government
14. The responsibility and obligation to be discharged by the
Government under this Act shall be in furtherance of its policy relating
to persons with disabilities and shall be so discharged-
(a) by taking into consideration the available financial and
human resources and such other factors as may be
relevant; and
(b) in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Constitution
and other written laws as may be relevant.
Responsibility of relevant ministries, etc.
15. It shall be the responsibility and obligation of every relevant
ministries, government agencies or bodies or organizations-
(a) to co-operate with and assist the Council in the performance
by the Council of its functions under this Act;

16 Bill
(b) to give due consideration to the national policy and
national plan of action of the Government relating to
persons with disabilities; and
(c) to undertake steps, measures or actions required to be
taken by it in such form or manner as may be provided
for under any other written law or otherwise relating to
persons with disabilities.
Responsibility of the private sector and non-governmental
16. It shall be the responsibility and obligation of the private
sector and non-governmental organization-
(a) to co-operate with and assist the Council in the performance
by the Council of its functions under this Act;
(b) to give due consideration to the national policy and
national plan of action of the Government relating to
persons with disabilities; and
(c) to undertake steps, measures or actions required to be
taken by it in such form or manner as may be provided
for under any other written law or otherwise relating to
pesons with disabilities.
Follow up
17. (1) The Council may require the relevant ministries, government
agencies or bodies or organizations to submit reports to the Council
on steps, measures and actions required to be undertaken by them
in complying with the provisions of this Act at such intervals as
the Council may specify.
(2) It shall be the duty of the relevant ministries, government
agencies or bodies or organizations referred to in subsection (1)
to submit full reports regarding the progress of steps, measures
or actions undertaken by them and such report shall be given
until the conclusion thereof.
(3) The Council may require the relevant ministries, government
agencies or bodies or organizations to provide explanation if the
Council is of the opinion that the progress of steps, measures or
actions is inadequate or unsatisfactory.

Persons with Disabilities
18. The Government shall allocate the Council with adequate
funds annually to enable the Council to perform its functions
under this Act.
Annual reports
19. The Council shall furnish to the Minister, and such public
authority as may be directed by the Minister an annual report of
all its activities during the year to which the report relates.
Appointment and duties of Registrar General and Registrar
20. (1) The Minister shall for the purposes of this Act
(a) a Social Welfare Officer in charge of the Department as
Registrar General;
(b) a Social Welfare Officer from the Department as Deputy
Registrar General;
(c) a Social Welfare Officer from the Department as a Registrar
for each State and Federal Territory; and
(d) such number of Assistant Registrars for any district or
area as the Minister may determine.
(2) The Registrar General shall be under the general direction
and supervision of the Director General of Social Welfare and the
Registrar General shall exercise general control and supervision
over all matters relating to the registration of persons with
disabilities under this Act.
(3) The Deputy Registrar General, Registrar and Assistant
Registrars shall be under the general direction and supervision
of the Registrar General.

18 Bill
(4) The Registrar General shall have the powers and exercise
the functions conferred on him by this Act, and in his absence,
such powers and functions may be had or exercised by the Deputy
Registrar General.
(5) Subject to the direction, control and supervision of the
Registrar General, the Deputy Registrar General or Registrar may
exercise all the powers and functions conferred on the Registrar
General by or under this Act.
(6) Subject to the direction, control and supervision of the
Registrar, an Assistant Registrar shall assist the Registrar in the
exercise of his powers and the performance of his functions in
the area of which he is appointed.
(7) Appointment of the Registrar General, Deputy Registrar
General, Registrar and Assistant Registrar under this section shall
be published in the Gazette.
Register of Persons with Disabilities
21. (1) Every Registrar shall keep and maintain a Register of
Persons with Disabilities.
(2) The Minister may make regulations for the keeping and
maintenance of Register of Persons with Disabilities and such
regulations may include provisions to authorize the Registrar or
Assistant Registrar to update the Register by making changes to
the particulars of the persons with disabilities or to delete the
names of persons with disabilities who have died or ceased to
be persons with disabilities.
Application for registration
22. (1) Application for registration as persons with disabilities
shall be made to the Council.
(2) The Minister may make regulations for the registration of
persons with disabilities and for all matters incidental thereto.

Persons with Disabilities
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (2), the
regulations may-
(a) prescribe the procedure to be followed in making an
application for registration;
(b) prescribe who may be registered as persons with
disabilities and who ceases to be registered as persons
with disabilities; and
(c) prescribe the manner of issuance and cancellation of Kad
Power of Registrar to call for additional document or
23. (1) The Registrar may, in relation to any application made
under section 22, call for such additional document or information
to be supplied by the applicant within the period to be specified
by the Registrar.
(2) Where a person making an application fails to supply
the additional document or information called for within the
specified period or such other period as may be extended by
the Registrar, the application is deemed to have been withdrawn
without prejudice, however to a fresh application being made.
Registration and refusal to register
24. (1) After considering an application under section 22 and any
additional document or information supplied pursuant to section
23, if any, the Registrar shall-
(a) register a person to be a person with disability if he
is satisfied that the person who is the subject of the
application is a person with disability; or
(b) refuse to register a person as a person with disability
if he is satisfied that the person is not a person with
(2) A person aggrieved by the decision of the Registrar under
paragraph 1(b) may appeal to the Minister and the decision of
the Minister shall be final.

20 Bill
Issuance of Kad OKU
25. (1) The Registrar shall issue a person who is registered as
a person with disability a Kad OKU.
(2) AKad OKU issued under subsection (1) shall, unless
proved to have been cancelled, be conclusive evidence for all
purposes that the person has been duly registered as a person
with disability under this Act.
(3) The Kad OKU shall be surrendered to the Registrar when
a person ceases to be a person with disability.
Chapter I
Access to public facilities, amenities and services and
26. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to access
to and use of, public facilities, amenities, services and buildings
open or provided to the public on equal basis with persons
without disabilities, but subject to the existence or emergence
of such situations that may endanger the safety of persons with
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Government and
the providers of such public facilities, amenities, services and
buildings shall give appropriate consideration and take necessary
measures to ensure that such public facilities, amenities, services
and buildings and the improvement of the equipment related
thereto conform to universal design in order to facilitate their
access and use by persons with disabilities.
Access to public transport facilities
27. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to access to
and use of public transport facilities, amenities and services open

Persons with Disabilities
or provided to the public on equal basis with persons without
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Government and
the providers of such public transport facilities, amenities and
services shall give appropriate consideration and take necessary
measures to ensure that such facilities, amenities and services
conform to universal design in order to facilitate their access and
use by persons with disabilities.
Access to education
28. (1) Persons with disabilities shall not be excluded from the
general education system on the basis of disabilities, and children
with disabilities shall not be excluded from pre-school, primary,
secondary and higher education, on equal basis with persons or
children without disabilities, including vocational training and
lifelong learning.
(2) The Government and private educational providers shall, in
order to enable persons and children with disabilities to pursue
education, provide reasonable accommodation suitable with the
requirements of persons and children with disabilities in terms of,
among others, infrastructure, equipment and teaching materials,
teaching methods, curricula and other forms of support that meet
the diverse needs of persons or children with disabilities.
(3) The Government and private educational providers shall take
appropriate steps and measures to enable persons and children
with disabilities to learn life and social development skills in
order to facilitate their full and equal participation in education
including the following:
(a) to facilitate the learning of Braille, alternative script,
augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats
of communication and orientation and mobility skills,
and facilitating peer support and mentoring;
(b) to facilitate the learning of Malaysia Sign Language and
the promotion of the linguistics identity of the deaf
community; and
(c) to ensure that the education of persons, and in particular
children, who are blind, deaf or deaf-blind is delivered in

22 Bill
the most appropriate languages and modes and means of
communication for the individual, and in environments
which maximize academic and social development.
Access to employment
29. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to access
to employment on equal basis with persons without disabilities.
(2) The employer shall protect the rights of persons with
disabilities, on equal basis with persons without disabilities, to just
and favourable conditions of work, including equal opportunities
and equal remuneration for work of equal value, safe and healthy
working conditions, protection from harassment and the redress
of grievances.
(3) The employer shall in performing their social obligation
endeavour to promote stable employment for persons with disabilities
by properly evaluating their abilities, providing suitable places of
employment and conducting proper employment management.
(4) The Council shall, in order to promote employment of persons
with disabilities in the private sector, formulate appropriate policies
and measures which may include affirmative action programmes
and other measures.
(5) The Council shall promote opportunities for training for persons
with disabilities in the labour market as well as opportunities for
self employment, entrepreneurship, the development of cooperatives,
starting one's own business and creating opportunities to work
from home.
(6) For the purposes of this section, "employer" includes the
Access to information, communication and technology
30. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to access to
information, communication and technology on equal basis with
persons without disabilities.

Persons with Disabilities
(2) The Government and the provider of information,
communication and technology shall in order to enable persons
with disabilities to have such access, provide the information,
communication and technology in accessible formats and technologies
appropriate to different kind of disabilities in a timely manner
and without additional cost.
(3) The Government and the private sector shall accept and
facilitate the use of Malaysia Sign Language, Braille, augmentative
and alternative communication, and all other accessible means,
modes and formats of communication of their choice by persons
with disabilities in official transactions.
Access to cultural life
31. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to access to
cultural life on an equal basis with persons without disabilities.
(2) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to enjoy
(a) to cultural materials in accessible formats;
(b) to television programmes, films, theatre and other cultural
activities, in accessible formats; and
(c) to places for cultural performances or services such
as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries and tourism
services, and, as far as possible, to monuments and sites
of national cultural importance.
(3) The Council shall take appropriate measures to enable
persons with disabilities to have the opportunities to develop and
utilize their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only
for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of society.
(4) Persons with disabilities shall be entitled on equal basis
with persons without disabilities to recognition and support of
their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including Malaysia
Sign Language and deaf culture.

24 Bill
Access to recreation, leisure and sport
32. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to participate
in recreational, leisure and sporting activities on an equal basis
with persons without disabilities but subject to the existence or
emergence of such situations that may endanger the safety of
persons with disabilities.
(2) The Council shall take appropriate measures-
(a) to encourage and promote the participation, to the fullest
extent possible, of persons with disabilities in mainstream
sporting activities at all levels;
(b) to ensure that persons with disabilities have an opportunity
to organise, develop and participate in disability specific
sporting and recreational activities and, to this end,
encourage the provision, on an equal basis with persons
without disabilities, of appropriate instruction, training
and resources;
(c) to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to
sporting, recreational and tourism venues;
(d) to ensure that children with disabilities have equal access
with other children without disabilities to participation
in play, recreation and leisure and sporting activities,
including those activities in the school system; and
(e) to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to
services from those involved in the organization of
recreational, leisure, sporting activities and tourism.
Chapter 2
Habilitation and rehabilitation
Habilitation and rehabilitation
33. (1) The Council, the private healthcare service provider
and non-governmental organization shall take effective and
appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to attain
and maintain maximum independence, full physical, mental, social
and vocational ability and full inclusion and participation in all
aspects of life.

Persons with Disabilities
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Council, the private
healthcare service provider and non-governmental organization
shall organize, strengthen and extend comprehensive habilitation
and rehabilitation services and programmes, particularly in the
areas of health, employment, education and social services, in such
a way that these services and programmes begin at the earliest
possible stage and are based on the multidisciplinary assessment
of individual needs and strengths.
(3) The Council, the private healthcare service provider and
non-governmental organization shall promote the availability,
knowledge, and use of assistive devices and technologies designed
for persons with disabilities as they relate to habilitation and
(4) The Council, the private sector and non-governmental
organization shall take appropriate measures to promote and
strengthen community-based rehabilitation programme to provide
early intervention, rehabilitation and training for persons with
disabilities in their own community through active community
In-home, residential and other community support services
34. The Council, the private sector and non-governmental
organization shall take appropriate measures to encourage and
promote the provision of a range of in-home, residential and other
community support services to prevent isolation or segregation
of persons with disabilities from the community.
Chapter 3
Access to health
35. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to the
enjoyment of health on an equal basis with persons without
(2) The Council, the private sector and non-governmental
organization shall take appropriate measures to ensure persons
with disabilities have access to health services, including health
related rehabilitation, that are gender sensitive.

26 Bill
Prevention of further occurrence of disabilities
36. (1) The Government and the private healthcare service
provider shall make available essential health services to persons
with disabilities which shall include the following:
(a) prevention of further occurrence of disabilities, immunization,
nutrition, environmental protection and preservation and
genetic counselling; and
(b) early detection of disabilities and timely intervention to
arrest disabilities and treatment for rehabilitation.
(2) In taking measures to prevent further occurrence of disabilities,
the Government shall-
(a) undertake or cause to be undertaken surveys, investigations
and research concerning the cause of occurrence of such
disabilities; and
(b) sponsor or cause to be sponsored awareness campaigns and
disseminate or cause to be disseminated information on
causes of disabilities and the preventive measures to be
adopted and on general hygiene, health and sanitation.
Availability of health personnel
37. (1) Any private sector and non-governmental organization
providing institutional care for persons with disabilities shall
have in its employment speech therapist, physiotherapist and
occupational therapist, or such health personnel as the Minister
may deem necessary after taking into account the requirements
and capabilities of such private institution, frequency of services
and such other factors as may be relevant.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), such private
(a) registered under the Care Centres Act 1993 [Act 506],
shall within six months of the coming into operation
of this Act submit to the Council the number of such
personnel in their employment; or
(b) applying to be registered under the Care Centres Act 1993
shall on and after the coming into operation of this Act,

Persons with Disabilities
before commencing operation, submit to the Council the
number of such personnel in their employment.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may exemptany private sector or non-governmental organization providing
institutional care for persons with disabilities, as he deems fit
and necessary, from having in-house health personnel in their
employment and instead may allow periodic visit of such health
personnel to such private institution.
Chapter 4
Protection of persons with severe disabilities
Lifelong protection and social support system
38. (1) The Government shall provide the necessary lifelong
protection and social support system including ensuring that the
welfare of persons with severe disabilities remain unaffected after
the death of their parents or their caregivers in order to enable
the persons with severe disabilities to lead a better quality of
(2) Any non-governmental organization intending to provide or
providing institutional care for persons with severe disabilities
or the caregivers for persons with severe disabilities may make
an application for an incentive for providing such care to the
Council in such form and manner as may be prescribed.
(3) The Council may, if it is satisfied that the application of
the non-governmental organization or caregivers referred to in
subsection (2) should be considered, grant such incentive as it
deems appropriate with the approval of the Minister responsible
for finance.
Meaning of "persons with severe disabilities"
39. For the purposes of this Chapter, "persons with severe
disabilities" means a person suffering from one or more disabilities
who is dependent on others for basic daily living activities.

28 Bill
Chapter 5
Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
Access to assistance
40. (1) Persons with disabilities shall have the right to have
assistance on equal basis and recognition with persons without
disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies,
including armed conflict and the occurrence of natural disaster.
(2) The Government shall take all necessary measures to
ensure persons with disabilities to have the right of assistance in
situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies by way of legal
as well as administrative mechanism.
Protection against suit and legal proceedings
41. No action, suit, prosecution or other proceedings shall lie or
be brought, instituted or maintained in any court against-
(a) the Government;
(b) the Minister;
(c) the Council;
(d) any member of the Council or any member of a committee;
(e) any other person lawfully acting on behalf of the
in respect of any act, neglect or default done or committed by
him or it in good faith or any omission omitted by him or it in
good faith in such capacity.
Public Authorities Protection Act 1948
42. The Public Authorities Protection Act 1948 [Act 198] shall
apply to any action, suit, prosecution or proceedings against

Persons with Disabilities
the Government, Council or any member of the Council, any
member of a committee or agent of the Council in respect of
any act, neglect or default done or omitted by it or him in such
Power to make regulations
43. (1) The Minister may make regulations as appear to him to
be necessary and expedient to carry out the provisions of this
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred
by subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations for all or
any of the following purposes:
(a) to regulate the management of institutions established for
persons with disabilities;
(b) to regulate the management of institutions established for
persons with severe disabilities;
(c) to process and regulate the registration of persons with
disabilities and such matter relating or incidental
(d) to prescribe any other matter required or permitted to be
prescribed under this Act; and
(e) to provide for any other matter which the Minister deems
expedient or necessary for the purposes of this Act.
Things done in anticipation of the enactment of this Act
44. All acts and things done on behalf of the Government or
the Council in preparation for or in anticipation of the enactment
of this Act and any expenditure incurred in relation thereto shall
be deemed to have been authorized under this Act, provided that
the acts and things done are consistent with the general intention
and purposes of this Act; and all rights and obligations acquired
or incurred as a result of the doing of those acts or things
including any expenditure incurred in relation thereto shall on
the coming into operation of this Act be deemed to be the rights
and obligations of the Government or the Council.

30 Bill
Savings and transitional
45. (1) Any person who immediately before the coming into
operation of this Act is registered as a person with disability
with the Department of Social Welfare shall, on the coming into
operation of this Act, be deemed to be a person with disability
registered under this Act.
(2) Any person with disability to whom an identification card
has been issued by the Department of Social Welfare immediately
before the coming into operation of this Act shall be issued a
Kad OKU under this Act.
(3) All registers relating to registration of persons with
disabilities kept and maintained by the Department of Social
Welfare immediately before the coming into operation of this Act
shall, on the coming into operation of this Act, be deemed to be
registers kept and maintained under this Act and shall be deemed
to form part of the Register of Persons with Disabilities.
Prevention of anomalies
46. (1) The Minister may, by order, make such modifications in
the provisions of this Act as may appear to him to be necessary or
expedient for the purpose of removing any difficulty occasioned
by the coming into operation of this Act only as regard to the
performance of the functions and the exercise of the powers by
the Council.
(2) The Minister shall not exercise the powers conferred by
this section after the expiration of two years from the date of
coming into operation of this Act.
(3) In this section, "modifications" means amendments, additions,
deletions and substitutions of any provision of this Act.
This Bill seeks to provide for the registration, protection, rehabilitation,
development and wellbeing of persons with disabilities, and the creation of the
National Council for Persons with Disabilities which will be charged with the

Persons with Disabilities
responsibility of promoting the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Apart
from the Government's national policy and national plan of action pertaining
to persons with disabilities, the Convention on The Rights of Persons with
Disabilities forms the main thrust and basis of this Bill, even though Malaysia
has yet to become a party to the Convention.
2. Part I of the Bill contains preliminary matters.
3. Clause 1 contains the short title and the power of the Minister to appoint
different commencement for different provisions of this proposed Act.
4. Clause 2 defines certain words and expressions used in the proposed Act.
Some of the salient definitions are as follows:
(a) the definition of "persons with disabilities" which is the central thread
of the Act; and
(b) the definitions of "reasonable accommodation" and "universal design"
which are very pertinent in the area of accessibility.
5. Part II contains provisions relating to National Council for Persons with
6. Clause 3 provides for the creation of the National Council for Persons
with Disabilities.
7. Clauses 4, 5 and 6 deal with the alternate members of certain members
of the Council, revocation of appointment of members of Council in the
circumstances enumerated and their resignation.
8. Clause 7 provides for the meetings of the Council, which includes the
frequency of the meeting, quorum, chairmanship, attendance on invitation,
voting rights and power to make regulations.
9. Clause 8 names the Director General of Social Welfare as the Secretary
of the Council.
10. Clause 9 relates to the functions of the Council, among others
(a) to oversee the implementation of the national policy and national plan
of action relating to persons with disabilities;
(b) to make recommendations to the Government on all aspects of persons
with disabilities including matters relating to the support, care,
protection, rehabilitation, development and wellbeing of persons
with disabilities;

32 Bill
(c) to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the national policy
and national plan of action relating to persons with disabilities with
relevant ministries;
(d) to adopt effective and appropriate measures to promote recognition
of the skills, merits and abilities of persons with disabilities, and of
their contributions to the workplace and the labour market; and
(e) to promote employment opportunities and career advancement for
persons with disabilities in the labour market, as well as assistance
in finding or obtaining employment on equal basis with persons
without disabilities.
11. Clause 10 provides that the Council shall be assisted by the Department
for the Development of Persons with Disabilities in the performance of its
functions and the exercise of its power under this Act.
12. Clause 11 provides for the establishment of committees to assist the
Council. Members of the committees may be appointed from amongst members
of the Council or such other persons as the Council thinks fit.
13. Clause 12 relates to the delegation of the Council's functions and
14. Clause 13 imposes a duty on the Council to recommend changes to the
existing law of the country or to propose new law particularly on matters
relating to accessibility. The responsibility and obligation imposed on competent
persons or bodies through legal mechanism would secure effective compliance
with various standards set in order to achieve the desired goal in promoting
the wellbeing of the disabled.
15. Clause 14 specifically states that in discharging its responsibilities and
obligations, the Government shall take into account the financial and human
resources available and the provisions of the Federal Constitution and other
written laws.
16. Clauses 15 and 16 emphasize the responsibility of the relevant ministries,
government agencies, etc., the private sector and non-governmental organization
in ensuring that there would be full and effective participation and inclusion
of persons with disabilities in the society.
17. Clause 17 requires the relevant ministries, government agencies or
bodies or organizations to submit report to the Council on steps, measures and
actions required to be undertaken by them in complying with the provisions
of this Act and to provide explanation to the Council if the Council is of the
opinion that the progress of the steps, measures and actions is inadequate or
18. Clause 18 imposes a duty on the Government to allocate the Council
with adequate funds annually to enable the Council to perform its functions
under this Act.

Persons with Disabilities
19. Clause 19 requires the Council to submit an annual report of all its
activities during the year to which the report relates to the Minister or any
public authority.
20. Part III contains provisions on the Registrar General for Persons with
Disabilities, Deputy Registrar General, Registrar and Assistant Registrars and
registration of persons with disabilities.
21. Clause 20 provides for the appointment and duties of Registrar General
and Registrar.
22. Clause 21 relates to the keeping and maintenance of Register of Persons
with Disabilities.
23. Clause 22 deals with application for registration as persons with disabilities.
It also empowers the Minister to make regulations in respect thereof.
24. Clause 23 allows the Registrar to call for additional document or
information while clause 24 confers the Registrar the power to register or
refuse an application.
25. Clause 25 relates to the issuance of Kad OKU to persons with
26. Part IV contains five chapters that deal with the promotion and development
of the quality of life and wellbeing of persons with disabilities. Chapter 1
deals with matters relating to rights to accessibility, Chapter 2 on habilitation
and rehabilitation, Chapter 3 relates to health, Chapter 4 on protection of
persons with severe disabilities and Chapter 5 deals with assistance rendered
in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies.
27. Clause 26 seeks to provide persons with disabilities the right to access
to and use of, public facilities, amenities, services and buildings open or
provided to the public, on equal basis with persons without disabilities.
28. Clause 27 deals with the right of persons with disabilities to access to
and use of, public transport facilities, amenities and services open or provided
to the public, also on equal basis with persons without disabilities.
29. Clause 28 provides for inclusion of persons and children with disabilities
in the general education system and places a duty on the educational provider
to provide reasonable accommodation suitable with the requirements of persons
and children with disabilities.
30. Clause 29 relates to the right of access to employment. Under this clause,
the employer is to ensure that persons with disabilities are accorded just and

34 Bill
favourable condition of work and equal opportunities and equal remuneration
for work of equal value as enjoyed by persons without disabilities.
31. Clause 30 confers persons with disabilities with the right of access to
information, communication and technology on equal basis with persons without
disabilities and places duty on the Government and the provider of information,
communication and technology to provide the information, communication and
technology in accessible formats and technologies appropriate to different kind
of disabilities.
32. Clause 31 confers persons with disabilities with the right of access to
cultural life on equal basis with persons without disabilities. The Council is
to create opportunities for persons with disabilities to develop and utilize their
creative, artistic and intellectual potential.
33. Clause 32 ensures persons with disabilities the right to participate in
recreational, leisure and sporting activities subject however, to the existence
or emergence of such situations that may endanger their safety.
34. Clause 33 requires the Council, the private healthcare service provider and
non-governmental organization to take effective and appropriate measures to
enable persons with disabilities to attain and maintain maximum independence,
full physical, mental, social and vocational ability and full inclusion and
participation in all aspects of life, to promote and strengthen community-based
rehabilitation programme and to promote the availability, knowledge and use
of assistive devices and technologies designed for persons with disabilities.
35. Clause 34 requires the Council, the private sector and non-governmental
organization to promote the provision of in-home, residential and other
community support services so as to prevent persons with disabilities from
being isolated or segregated from the community.
36. Clause 35 confers persons with disabilities the right to the enjoyment
of health and ensures them access to health services.
37. Clause 36 requires the Government, the private healthcare service provider
and non-governmental organization to make available essential health services
to persons with disabilities.
38. Clause 37 places a duty on the private sector and non-governmental
organization providing institutional care for persons with disabilities to have in
its employment speech therapist, physiotherapist and occupational therapist as
the Minister deems necessary. The Minister is however empowered to exempt
such provider from the requirement of this section.
39. Clause 38 requires the Government to provide the necessary lifelong
protection and social support system for persons with severe disabilities.
Incentives may be given to any non-governmental organization providing
such institutional care and to caregivers for persons with severe disabilities,
on application.
40. Clause 39 defines the term "persons with severe disabilities".

Persons with Disabilities
41. Clause 40 ensures persons with disabilities full assistance and recognition
in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies.
42. Part V contains general provisions.
43. Clause 41 confers protection to the Government, Minister, the Council
and its members and other persons lawfully acting on behalf of the Council
from actions, suit or prosecution if the acts were done in good faith.
44. Clause 42 provides for the application of the Public Authorities Protection
Act 1948 to the Government, Council or its members, any member of a
committee and agents of the Council.
45. Clause 43 deals with the power of the Minister to make regulations.
46. Clause 44 provides for things done in anticipation of the enactment of
the proposed Act.
47. Clause 45 provides for savings and transitional provisions.
48. Clause 46 empowers the Minister to make such amendments, additions,
deletions or substitutions to the provisions of the proposed Act to remove any
difficulty that may arise.
This Bill will involve the Government in extra financial expenditure the amount
of which cannot at present be ascertained.

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