Jumaat, Oktober 17, 2008


From: Mary Chen
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 11:47 AM
pls pass the word
For all PWDs living and working in Subang Jaya and carers

Here is another opportunity to get your needs across to  the Subang Jaya councillors abt any disability related issues in SJ.
, so they cannot say they don't know about your needs.
Pls also ask for an action plan or timeline on your issues raised

I understand they would also be getting JKM to do OKU registration and MPSJ to process the free parking sticker applications.

you need to bring along certain documents , will try and update when i get that info.

Dialogue session with Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) in Subang Jaya
Date/Time: Saturday, 29 November 2008 @ 11am
Venue: Dewan Kenanga, MPSJ
Entrance fee: Free of charge

The objective of the dialogue session is to provide an avenue for 'Orang Kurang Upaya' (OKU) or carers of OKU living in Subang Jaya to voice the concerns/challenges faced by them. YB Hannah Yeoh, ''Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat' (JKM) and MPSJ councillors are expected to be present at the dialogue session.

 Details required for registration

Name (As Per IC): *
IC Number (e.g. 800101-10-8888): *
Address : *
Contact Number (e.g. 018 888 8888): *
Age: *
Disablility Type: *
E-mail Address:
OKU Card Number (if any):
Do you require transport? (*We shall seek to provide transport where required on a reasonable endeavour basis): *
Will you be accompanied by a carer/friend/family member?:
If yes, no of pax:

Will you be bringing any children?
Yes No
If yes, no of children , type of special needs, age range
Child minding service will be provided on request.

Mary Chen
Malaysia's 1st Cross-disability national magazine
Get your copy todayonline order :

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8 ulasan:

azlishukri berkata...

hakikatnya memang benar, di Malaysia OKU masih tidak dilayan dengan adil dak saksama, di jabatan2 kerajaan umpamanya masih tidak menyediakan kelengkapan yang secukupnya untuk OKU ini. wallualam. salam singgah.

Tai berkata...

Ya, itu memang benar. NGO harus lebih berjuang lagi.

Unknown berkata...


perlu diteliti dengan lebih lanjut masalh ini. perlu kuatkan lagi suaranya....

Tai berkata...

Ya memang benar. Tapi NGO itu sendiri harus punya iltizam yang kuat untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak oku.

GAP KEMBALI berkata...

salam sedingin salju..harap boleh menulis email ke gap..ada pelawaan.

Tai berkata...

Ok apa pasai encik? Sudah terimakah mail saya?

GAP KEMBALI berkata...

dah terima

Tai berkata...

Terima kasih banyak-banyak atas jemputan tersebut. Semoga perjuangan beliau dirahmati tuhan. Kirimkan salam perjuangan dari seorang oku penglihatan pada beliau.

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